A Case for Regional Independent Adjusters

A Case for Regional Independent Adjusters

Mishandling your claims could be an accident in the making!

Having reliable and efficient adjusters can make all the difference when it comes to handling insurance claims. Be it liability, commercial auto, physical damage, or property claim. While national coverage is often touted as the most convenient choice, regional independent adjusters provide a number of unique benefits that should be considered.

One of the more singular advantages of utilizing regional independent adjusters is their familiarity with local communities. These adjusters have a deep understanding of local laws, regulations, weather patterns, and subcultural distinctions. In certain cases, these adjusters also have established (and appropriate) relationships with local contractors and service providers. Knowing reputable contractors, engineers, forensic accountants can save carriers money in the long-term and prevent headaches down the road. Leveraging their experience and knowledge, these regional IA firms can help progress and resolve claims in a timely manner.

Regional independents also tend to be more accessible and responsive than national adjusters. When dealing with a national firm, it's often difficult to get ahold of a specific adjuster. Moreover, should there be a problem, locating the correct person 'in charge' can also be an obstacle. In contrast, regional IA's are often more available and have a less complicated hierarchy. For James C. Greene Company claims, for instance, it's a simple, three-layer process. The adjuster, supervisor, or the owner. This down-to-earth structure allows for a more personalized level of service where specific requests from the desk examiner can be followed and a more standardized level of service given.

Additionally, regional IA's are often more cost-effective than their national counterparts. While national adjusters may charge higher rates to cover their overhead costs, regional adjusters keep their fees competitive due to their low operating expenses. It's a wonder when I attend insurance conferences and see how much extravagant marketing and advertising is employed by national adjusting firms. If they have enough margins to take clients on helicopter rides, racecar drives, or celebrity meet and greets, I often wonder if that money could be spent better creating value for clients.

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Another advantage of regional independents is their specialized knowledge and expertise. These adjusters often have deep experiences in a specific type of claim such as complex commercial losses, cargo, heavypiers, HO-6 policies, or construction defects. This enables them to handle the more complicated claims where the stakes are higher and outcomes have a significant impact on the policyholder and insurance carrier. Furthermore, that specialized knowledge is learned from regionals and relationships nurtured. Our company, for instance, attempts to physically sit down with our adjusters each year to touch base and maintain that personal touch not just with policyholders or claimants, but with our adjusters as well. Many we've spoken to used to work for nationals for years and never met anyone from that firm. There's something lost when the personal touch in claims is ignored in lieu of cold calculations and metrics.

While national adjusters certainly have their benefits, regional independents offer a number of distinct advantages that shouldn't be overlooked. From their local expertise and accessibility to cost-effectiveness and specialized knowledge, regional IA's can serve as a valuable resource to ensure the best possible handling for your insurance claims.

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Photo by Cytonn Photography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-person-in-long-sleeved-shirt-shakehand-955395/


