The Case of the Missing Newsletters!:Mystery Solved (and now delivered to you)
??Randall Craig
Advisor on business growth, marketing strategy, thought leadership, and digital. Author. CEO at Braintrust Professional Institute. Hall of Fame business speaker.
Problem solved! For the past five weeks, we published Randall's tipsheet to our LinkedIn newsletter... but for some reason, they weren't going out to our subscribers! FINALLY, we have fixed the glitch, and you can count on our regular programming of weekly business growth tips and monthly Q&A session invitations. (High five!)
You can catch up our the past five issues here, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Trust on the client journey
Feb 13, 2025
About: At every touchpoint, trust either grows, or it is squandered. So how are you building (or losing) trust with your prospects? What do your lead magnets, proposals and “generous offers†say about your trustworthiness? Up this week, a few fresh ideas…
The Retreat Expectations Gap: What Clients ask for vs what they need
Feb 20, 2025
About: A client asks for your services. Perfect! …right? Well maybe not: What happens when what the client WANTS isn’t necessarily what they NEED to solve their problems… This tipsheet offers three ways to make sure both you and the client can get both. (For other problem solvers out there: Would love to hear your approaches to dealing with the issue
The goal of a retreat is not a retreat (it's the learning and culture shift, etc.)
Feb 27, 2025
About: A leadership retreat is an opportunity, and a huge investment. When leaders and their teams fully understand the potential of their offsites (and just what goes into a TRULY impactful retreat), the time together can be rocket fuel for organizational growth and alignment. You can find me on my soapbox in this week’s tipsheet (along with a number of practical ideas)…
Getting Better at Closing the Sale
Mar 6, 2025
About: Weak markets, longer sales cycles, staff turnover – there are many excuses for a salesperson’s non-performance. So if you are looking for results (and not rationalization), this tipsheet offers five ways to strengthen your approach and drive higher sales.
Why you should never use an internal retreat facilitator
Mar 13, 2025
About: Considerations about what to outsource vs insource comes up all the time with clients. So when it comes to facilitation of high-stakes situations, innovation brainstorming, navigating politics, etc. should you use an internal facilitator, or someone from outside? (Hint: the title of the tipsheet might just give me away…)
This week's challenge:
What are you doing for your professional development?
Get quick-hit doses of new ideas on business growth, leadership, strategy, management, etc. with our acclaimed monthly topic exploration and Q&A session with ??Randall Craig and ?Ronja Francoeur Soroka .
See the upcoming monthly topics on the Braintrust Professional Institute website (no cost to attend) ??
Upcoming Topic:
Succession Planning: Future-Proofing Your Organization
Wed, April 9 at 12 noon ET
Register here (no cost to attend) ??