The Case For Composites: OmegaWrap? System Advantages, Capabilities, and Future Applications
Allan Edwards, Inc.
Allan Edwards, Inc.—specializing in organic energy transportation since 1947.
Written by Chip Edwards and Tommy Precht | Allan Edwards
Composite repair technologies have gained significant acceptance over the past 30 years and their popularity continues to grow today. In the early days of their use, these repair systems were primarily used to reinforce corrosion features. However, through extensive research and testing efforts over the last 15 to 20 years, involving pipeline companies, composite repair technology companies, regulatory agencies, research organizations and subject matter experts, their use has extended to the reinforcement of dents, mechanical damage, vintage girth welds, wrinkle bends, and seam welds.
Key Advantages of Composite Repairs
Developing the OmegaWrap? Composite Repair Systems
In 2019, Allan Edwards partnered with OmegaWrap, LLC to bring composite repair solutions to the market that contained both superior strength and the agile customer-first approach for which Allan Edwards is well known. By adding this unique repair to its existing repair offerings, Allan Edwards was able to broaden its array of non-intrusive pipeline repairs to cover almost any application.
The most fundamental test in designing and qualifying a composite repair system is meeting or exceeding the standards set forth by ASME PCC-2. This series of tests involves fabricating panels and conducting tensile testing to determine the tensile strength, strain-to-failure, and elastic modulus.
While it prioritized exceeding minimum PCC-2 standards, Allan Edwards also conducted a more rigorous performance testing regime to highlight more advanced system capabilities. The OmegaWrap? EG (E-glass) and C (Carbon) systems underwent testing to evaluate their performance in reinforcing dents, severe corrosion and cracks subjected to extreme cyclic pressure conditions. Burst testing was also conducted on test samples reinforced with the OmegaWrap? carbon-epoxy technology, containing 15% and 50% EDM notch features that were pre-cycled to ensure cracking was present. Once testing concluded, the result was two highly vetted, dependable composite repair systems with a myriad of data supporting their capability to reinforce severe defects in need of permanent repair.
Specific Advantages of the OmegaWrap? EG & C Composite Systems
The Next Frontier: Innovative Developments in Composite Reinforcement of Cracks
While composites have been used to repair defects such as dents, gouges, pitting and corrosion in pipelines all around the world for more than three decades, interest has recently begun to circulate in the ability of this technology to reinforce crack defects as well–a largely untested area of composite reinforcement. As a company consistently driven to innovate across every avenue, Allan Edwards jumped on this opportunity.
In 2022, Allan Edwards participated in a full-scale testing program, the Composite Crack Reinforcement Joint Industry Program (JIP), to measure the performance of the OmegaWrap? C composite when reinforcing cracks. The OmegaWrap? C system yielded impressive results throughout the JIP, demonstrating its ability to reinforce cracks for long-term service.
The JIP established a baseline performance benchmark through cycling unreinforced samples (no composite reinforcement of the defect zone) with simulated 15% deep cracks. Every unreinforced sample failed well before reaching 10,000 cycles, with the earliest failure occurring at 1,570 cycles, and the longest-lasting sample failing at 8,990 cycles.
On the other hand, when the samples containing defects reinforced with the OmegaWrap? C system were cycled, seven of the eight tested samples surpassed the runout threshold of 25,000 cycles.
The Composite Crack Reinforcement JIP was significant in several ways:
What Does the Future Hold for Composite Repairs?
The future use of composite repair technologies is promising, and their numerous uses will undoubtedly continue to expand dramatically. The key to ensuring long-term progress involves the forward-thinking mindset of companies and their willingness to invest time, capital, and resources into developing new and improved technologies, coupled with validation through numerical modeling and full-scale testing. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the performance capabilities of a composite repair technology meet and exceed the rigorous demands of integrity management programs managed by pipeline companies around the world – continually refining today’s technology to meet tomorrow’s needs.
About Allan Edwards
Since 1947, Allan Edwards has leveraged our first-hand experience and trusted expertise to steer advancements in pipeline performance. We engineer, manufacture & distribute products that optimize throughput wherever product flows. Our duty is paramount: to deliver risk mitigation you can count on while partnering with you every step of the way. Let’s partner.