The Case of the Black Pearl Ring
Laveda D. Rockford
Author of the *Yahreh Series | Books and Screenplays *Yahreh (yah'rea) name, A friend of God. God's friend. Other short stories such as: A Melancholy Christmas Pharez: A Christmas Story Like A Dove: A Christmas Story
Writing a screenplay can be very exhilarating! I enjoyed writing this screenplay so much!
During this exciting sequel, Gina and Wade find out that the world is not as small as they thought.
After they open their own private investigation company, they contact their first client. Wade travels across the country only to find the answer that he is looking for in his own backyard.
When his old team members join the investigation, the list of criminals gets longer, and the team acquires new technology that help them get a positive result with an unexpected ending.
The Case of the Black Pearl Ring is the sequel to Yahreh and registered with Writers Guild of America West.
? 2019 Laveda D. Rockford