Zaheer Arif
Content Writer Technical Writer and Translator of Kannada, Hindi, Urdu and English.
Apologies are a sensitive matter where ego and righting a wrong are involved. There is recognition of the stand and comments, and there is a degree of misconstruing also. People are upset and hence the apologies. The centricity of social media has made apologies compulsory, and the public is demanding responses from celebrities and CEO as the surest means of addressing the missteps. The happenings like mass layoffs, extra-marital affairs, various scandals, private matters, the abuse of language or criminal activity, boycotts, and unpopular stands meet with vociferous questions.
An apology is a powerful tool that transgressors can use to resolve what they have done and rise in their eyes and the eyes of others as a way to bring validation. Apologizing is worth doing when we hurt the infinite feelings of others.?
Earlier, there were press releases, but today public figures use social media to convey their positions through Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. There is a tremendous change in giving and receiving apologies. Telling sorry, when necessary, has a profound impact and makes a lot of difference. Sorry is not a mere word that impresses many minds and launches a thousand actions. Today, various fans keep track of apologies, and with many celebrities indulging in them, it has become a great leveler. A heartfelt apology evokes a feeling of intimacy with their fan bases, and they can act fast and respond swiftly, minimizing the damage to their reputation.
Today there is an environment of accountability and an atmosphere of awareness regarding the activities of public figures. Our lives are open and not transparent. Apologies have become regular and procedural. Winning the fan base back is the need of the hour for saving their reputations. A true apology, helps them to redeem themselves.
Tendering an apology is a way to correct the mess up. Sometimes there are no apologies or terrible apologies, but when we see closely, they fail to impress and bring bad results. There is also an element of apologizing to the stakeholders instead of being sincere and truthful about what has happened. Apologies need not be calculated, meticulously curated, formal, or follow a script but must carry genuine words of remorse because the public has a knack for knowing the intention behind them, and there is skepticism around it.
Audiences demand access and authenticity, and there is much gaining of the image when celebrities forget that they are a brand and touch the fans personally. Celebrities must cultivate real and reciprocal relationships with fans who have growing expectations. Persons who do not apologize will lose the sympathy and goodwill of their followers. Acknowledging the missteps is important and must not be masked behind carefully composed phrases nor falsify the admission of guilt. There must be an acceptance of responsibility for the wrongdoing.
Celebrities need to appreciate the opinion of their followers and do better. They must promise to make amends and not repeat the same mistakes making it the surest way to gain admiration and acceptance.
Apologies must not be complicated but simple and come straight from the heart. Apologizing is meaningless if there is no intention of fixing the problems arising because of our actions and words. True apologies bring peace and respect.?
Some apologies are weird, bizarre, and uncalled for. There are a few thoughtless, sarcastic, and rude comments also, which devalue others and indicate lingering annoyance. Some apologies are not received well because of the high audience expectations.
Thus apologies have a role in enhancing the image in public life, and when a person feels that there is an error or a mistake, apologizing becomes a commendable act.