The case of Alzheimer's [neurons, NERVE FIBRES/AXON] and subsequent PROGRESSIVE loss of EGO-Consciousnesses - May-3-2024

The case of Alzheimer's [neurons, NERVE FIBRES/AXON] and subsequent PROGRESSIVE loss of EGO-Consciousnesses - May-3-2024


Monks, From the research it looks like NERVES are the place where 'elements of non-Self' aka the entire experience of a phenomenon tightly grouped and connected by neurons aka nerve cells are stored.

Thus, NERVES are your central database where all the sense impressions are stored as a?phenomenon tightly grouped and circuited by neurons. over 7 trillion nerves reside in the human body as per the info available from Google search.


Now,? what happens is that as soon as the visual object is seen by the EYE, the visual signals are first sent to the BRAIN and the first thing that happens is that SEARCH ENGINE aka NEURONS are fired to locate any similar or previous occurrences of the visual phenomenon being reported in the present moment. As soon as the NERVE location where any past result of the same visual phenomenon are found, immediately entire phenomenon tightly grouped and circuited by neurons stored at the NERVE FIBRE location are RELAYED back to the BRAIN again through the neurons.


Monks; as one of the EXAMPLE, We have noticed several times that as soon as the phenomenon of ITCH is started due to a mosquito bite, immediately similar itches are felt at several places across the body although only one part of the body is affected by ITCH due to mosquito bite, and this happened because as soon as ITCH phenomenon was reported to the BRAIN, the NEURONS were fired to locate every location where the ITCH phenomenon in past may have been stored, and since several places of ITCH phenomenon was found at DIFFERENT NERVE LOCATIONS, all such phenomenon from different body parts aka nerve locations are now being reported by making CONTACT with the BRAIN, where neurons report to the brain every nerve location where similar phenomenon exists as past occurrences.


Thus, it is now established that NON-SELF info is being stored inside NERVE fibers and the tightly grouped Consciousnesses circuited by neurons, the entire phenomenon aka the Consciousnesses is reported back to the BRAIN through the neurons. And from there on, these phenomena are MADE AVAILABLE to the AWARENESS.


From Google Search: Now, Memory is the reactivation of a specific group of neurons, formed from persistent changes in the strength of connections between neurons.?

Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins in and around brain cells. One of the proteins involved is called amyloid, deposits of which form plaques around brain cells. The other protein is called tau, deposits of which form tangles within brain cells. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by two abnormalities in the brain: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques, which are found in the tissue between the nerve cells, are unusual clumps of a protein called beta amyloid along with degenerating bits of neurons and other cells


In Alzheimer's, however, damage is widespread, as many neurons stop functioning properly, lose connections with other neurons, and eventually die. Thus, the connection between BRAIN and the various sense impressions aka ego-consciousnesses is lost and grouped information that is otherwise available by tightly synced neurons is not being made available or is being PARTIALLY made available to the brain due to an abnormal buildup of protein and plaque around the brain cells.


Thus, what happens is that Consciousnesses although available at NERVE FIBRES locations, since Consciousnesses are being reported in parts due to abnormal brain damages, the Consciousnesses being reported are not being allowed to be completed as per its manifestation process during its birth and now these Consciousnesses continue to become WEAKENED and finally gets erased from nerve fiber locations. Any Consciousnesses that goes through objective observation and equanimity aka NO REACTION shall get cleansed to blissful or neutral first but non-completion of the same due to brain abnormality makes it weaker and such a Consciousness then gets erased as per the law of nature.

And since, various EGO-Consciousnesses collected?from birth till date are now becoming weak due to no contact with the brain, and thus ego-Consciousnesses start to wipe out, and such a person slowly loses the ability to recall 6-sense media impressions that were formed in the life cycle as the Consciousnesses continue to deplete due to no contact with the brain. A Consciousnesses as per of law of nature is required to make contact with the brain from time to time and complete the 12 dependent links that manifested it in the first place to be reported or reflected back to the AWARENESS, but since PERCEPTION LINK is now broken due to brain abnormalities, the volitional acts and subsequent?Consciousnesses steps are not getting complete as is there as per the order sequence of the 5 elements of the non-Self. Due to this various Consciousnesses are now slowly becoming weaker and are eventually wiped out.



In old days we had cameras that would click the image of you but would first be stored as NEGATIVE form on a BLACK plastic film, from this NEGATIVE the actual PHOTO COLOR COPY would be produced. You may Consider the NEGATIVE IMAGES as the NON-SELF version of the actual Photo hard color copy aka the Self, and from these the ANIMATED MOVIE visual experiences may be formed.


THE Film CAMERA when it clicks the Image of the object, DOES NOT CARE if the object has 'Consciousnesses' or the object is without the Consciousnesses, it just clicks the IMAGE as NEGATIVE format only to be converted to actual hard color copy, in the same way monks, all the SELF or FORM (earth elements or tactile/logical objects) when they come in contact with the EYE or other sense organs, they are first converted and stored as NON-SELF form at the NERVE LOCATIONS, tightly grouped and circuited by the NEURONS. From these non-self elements of the SELF, then the actual Consciousnesses is made available to the AWARENESS.






/** Additional optional info below from the Google Search ; START

Does the brain have RAM??How much RAM and hard drive space does a human brain have ... Lisa Saksida, a professor at Western University in London, Ont., says the closest comparison to RAM in our brains is short-term memory. Human short-term memory holds about seven items.


Nerve cells are also called neurons. Neurons are present all over your body, especially in your brain and spinal cord. Nerves, together with your brain and spinal cord, are the foundation of your nervous system. A type of cell that receives and sends messages from the body to the brain and back to the body. The messages are sent by a weak electrical current. Also called neuron.

EYE NERVES:?The optic nerve is comprised of millions of nerve fibers that send visual messages to your brain to help you see. You have an optic nerve at the back of each eye that connects directly to your brain. Each optic nerve is a one-way connection, and it only carries signals from your eyes to your brain. The optic nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers that serves as the communication cable between your eyes and your brain.

EAR nerves: Nerve cells (neurons) in the spiral ganglion project sound signals to tiny hair cells also located within the cochlea. These hair cells convert the sound signals into nerve impulses that are carried by the cochlear nerve trunk to the brainstem and eventually to the brain, for interpretation.

Nerves are like cables that carry electrical impulses between your brain and the rest of your body. These impulses help you feel sensations and move your muscles. They also maintain certain autonomic functions like breathing, sweating or digesting food. Nerve cells are also called neurons. A type of cell that receives and sends messages from the body to the brain and back to the body. The messages are sent by a weak electrical current. Also called neuron.

What is nerve and its function?

Nerves are the fundamental structural and functional unit of the peripheral nervous system. They comprise the fibre- like structures that send and receive the signals between the brain and the body. They contain the nerve cells or neurons that help in signal transduction and processing.


There are three types of nerves in the body:

Autonomic nerves. These nerves control the involuntary or partially voluntary activities of your body, including heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature regulation.

Motor nerves. ...

Sensory nerves.


How do nerves work?

The nervous system takes in information through our senses, processes the information and triggers reactions, such as making your muscles move or causing you to feel pain. For example, if you touch a hot plate, you reflexively pull back your hand and your nerves simultaneously send pain signals to your brain.

The brain is what controls all the body's functions. The spinal cord runs from the brain down through the back. It contains threadlike nerves that branch out to every organ and body part. This network of nerves relays messages back and forth from the brain to different parts of the body.

What color are nerves?

What is the color of nerve cells? - Quora

Nerve cells, also known as neurons, do not have a specific color. They are typically colorless and transparent. Neurons are information messengers. They use electrical and chemical signals to send information between di?erent areas of the brain, as well as between the brain, the spinal cord, and the entire body.

Efferent neurons — these take messages from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and deliver them to cells in other parts of the body. Afferent neurons — take messages from the rest of the body and deliver them to the central nervous system (CNS).

Neuron Functions:

Sensory — carry signals from the senses to the CNS. Relay — carry signals from one place to another within the CNS. Motor — carry signals from the CNS to muscles.

Memory: It's All About Connections, When we learn something—even as simple as someone's name—we form connections between neurons in the brain. These synapses create new circuits between nerve cells, essentially remapping the brain. Memory is the reactivation of a specific group of neurons, formed from persistent changes in the strength of connections between neurons. The brain simmers with activity. Different groups of neurons (nerve cells), responsible for different thoughts or perceptions, drift in and out of action. Memory is the reactivation of a specific group of neurons, formed from persistent changes in the strength of connections between neurons.


In Alzheimer's, however, damage is widespread, as many neurons stop functioning properly, lose connections with other neurons, and eventually die. According to scientists, memories are formed as a result of connections between neurons in the brain. New connections (synapses) are formed each time a new activity is learned. The more a person participates in a particular activity, the stronger the synapses and associated memories tied to the activity become. The most common feature of dementia is the loss of the ability to form new memory traces.?


Alzheimer's usually damages the connections among neurons in parts of the brain involved in memory, including the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. It later affects areas in the cerebral cortex responsible for language, reasoning, and social behavior. Plaques develop in the hippocampus, a structure deep in the brain that helps to encode memories, and in other areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in thinking and making decisions. Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins in and around brain cells. One of the proteins involved is called amyloid, deposits of which form plaques around brain cells. The other protein is called tau, deposits of which form tangles within brain cells. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by two abnormalities in the brain: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques, which are found in the tissue between the nerve cells, are unusual clumps of a protein called beta amyloid along with degenerating bits of neurons and other cells. Memories are formed as a result of connections between neurons in the brain, When we learn something—even as simple as someone's name, we form connections between neurons in the brain. These synapses create new circuits between nerve cells, essentially remapping the brain. The remapping signifies sense impressions tightly grouped together for a phenomenon experienced.


In Alzheimer's, however, damage is widespread, as many neurons stop functioning properly, lose connections with other neurons, and eventually die

****/ Additional Info END

Sunil Dudia

Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India

10 个月

Monks; In old days we had cameras that would click the image of you but would first be stored as NEGATIVE form on a BLACK plastic film, from this NEGATIVE the actual PHOTO COLOR COPY would be produced. You may Consider the NEGATIVE IMAGES as the NON-SELF version of the actual Photo hard color copy aka the Self, and from these the ANIMATED MOVIE visual experiences may be formed. . THE Film CAMERA when it clicks the Image of the object, DOES NOT CARE if the object has 'Consciousnesses' or the object is without the Consciousnesses, it just clicks the IMAGE as NEGATIVE format only to be converted to actual hard color copy, in the same way monks, all the SELF or FORM (earth elements or tactile/logical objects) when they come in contact with the EYE or other sense organs, they are first converted and stored as NON-SELF form at the NERVE LOCATIONS, tightly grouped and circuited by the NEURONS. From these non-self elements of the SELF, then the actual Consciousnesses is made available to the AWARENESS.



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