Cascade Change ...

Cascade Change ...

Following my recent post regarding how different Change looks when you see it from outside comparative with how you see the same change from the middle of it.

I preach often about change and change management strategy and it doesn't seem very hard - Do that, then that and magically you've survived change.

My mom always used to tell me as a kid: "We all excel at theory but the practise is what kills us" ?? (lol mom 1-0 ... you won, again!)

What I got to learn is that sometimes changes come in cascade. It's not one, sometimes when you are challenged with change, you face a cascade of changes.

The reason why change looks different from inside is because we always take it personal and look at it very subjective.

"I feel like this"

"I fear that"

"I need"


So when this happens to me, the below are the things I am telling myself:

?? It isn't personal - change is a natural and inevitable part of life, driven by various circumstances, many of which are external factors and have nothing to do with you. By trying to take a step back and look at change from outside, we will be able to eliminate the "I" and subjectivity, instead, view it with objectivity and think about what doors it may open behind which a plethora of opportunities and possibilities wait for you.

??? It isn't in my control - As change is a natural part of life, many of the factors that trigger the need for change aren't in your control. Further more, those who read my post regularly know that I posted few months back about a professor of mine who for any challenge would say "it's wonderful". It took me years to understand what he meant but THANK YOU SIR for a valuable lesson.

?? Run a SWOT type analysis of the change - understand what are your strengths to be successful under the "new normal", the weaknesses which you need to work on to ensure they don't come from behind and bite your A**. Opportunities of the change ... ( my grandmother said: there isn't a 'good' without a shade of 'bad' and no bad that doesn't have a good part) so write down the possible opportunities and benefits of the change. Ultimately, what are the threats? What are the risks and what is the worst it can happen? Can you mitigate that risk?

??♀? Seek help - always speak with people, communicate, ask questions and support. Any heavy lift is easier to cary if you get someone to lend a hand with it.

?? Why are you afraid - according to studies, the majority of our fears are not justified and are just created by our unconsciousness from a desperate desire of the brain to protect you. In order to do that, the brain will create a full list of negative scenarios to make you afraid and stop you from doing what you're afraid of doing. List all your fears on a paper, then leave it there and revisit it in a few days, make a sign of which you think are justified and which are just your imagination, then keep the list and post change, go and revisit that paper, look at what you noted as "very possible" or "probably imagination" and cross match them with what truly happen. Extraordinary results right?

As soon as we understand that the world doesn't revolve around us and that change will happen out of our control regardless if you like it or not, you will find it easier to manage it.

The world doesn't stop to allow us the time to accept and manage out fears so the only way to get going with it is to jump straight in it, head first and enjoy the "ride"

As an analogy, I remember when I jumped with a parachute for the first time ... I was terrified but I've done it ... and OMG it was such a great "fall" and a great sense of freedom once you've jumped and the fears are left behind. ?? It's the same with change, just JUMP.

Remember, the fears we don't face become our limits!

& If it doesn't hurt, it isn't growth!

#changemanagement #changemindset #faceyourfears #leadershipmindset #growthmindset

If you got this far: THANK YOU and please don't forget to like, share, comment and most importantly, share your feedback.

Bianca Patru



PLEASE NOTE - all the views and opinions shared in my daily LinkedIn posts or in any of my newsletter articles are mine and are in no way related to my employer or any third party unless this is specified.

Change can be good especially for those who have been in a bad situation at work for some time. It forces us to change our way of thinking and potentially get out of that "whats easy is always best" way of thinking. Stability is sometimes overrated.... :-)


