The Cascade – An Agile Waterfall - Part 1

The Cascade – An Agile Waterfall - Part 1

During my career, I’ve seen different variations of the how projects are executed and I am sure so have you.

The most common turf war I encounter is the whole Agile vs Waterfall debate - and I wanted to weigh in not so much because I have a preference for one over the other - it's because over the years I've come to realize the debate itself is futile.

Let me explain.

There are various flavours of Agile & Waterfall. I’ve also been in the middle of many a an argument on the benefits and applicability of each and I have to admit I’ve found myself in different camps at different times.

Over time, I’ve realized that we rely on these methodologies to attempt to guarantee a delivery outcome within time & within budget, however in reality their execution is never an exact science and depends so much on the team involved. It wasn’t till I went through the ‘crucible’ of several really tight projects, did the full magnitude of it hit me.

My current and evolving position is that neither method is in orders of magnitudes superior to another and when one groups talks about the superiority of one method over another, they are viewing both methods through a restrictive lens, biased in favor of their organization culture, personal preference or perceived benefits and pitfalls.

Criticisms towards the rejected methodology tend to be in the extreme.

Recently a very astute project manager mentioned to me that these methodologies are for our benefit, they are here to help ease our burden and they are here to work for us. We are not here to work for them.

With that simple observation, I thought I’d share some of the common areas where different elements fall through.

This blog post will be broken up into multiple parts to facilitate ease of consumption . This is part 1 .

Note: I am not a certified Agile Coach or Scrum Master so these experiences are purely based on my first hand experience on the ground across several projects

A special thanks to Eugene Colborne for his incisive insights for this blog as well as helping me appreciate various nuances in this area over the last few years

Agile Project Methodology

Basic principle: At its heart, ‘Agile’ simply refers to an iterative method of developing, managing and delivering an outcome or software which is of value to the customer. One of the most widely adopted flavors of Agile is Scrum wherein the team typically works in short iterative sprints, using a Kanban board to organize their work, and daily standups to communicate progress or blockers.  Theoretically this allows them to achieve the most valuable requirements until the “ budget runs out” or “a deadline is reached”. In this way Scrum , again theoretically “ avoids budget overruns and delays”.

If you don’t completely agree with the bit about budget or delays, congratulations! You are also in the same camp as I am. More on that in later sections on how Agile can get out of hand

What Agile Has to Offer :

Agile methodology allows you to focus on quality of the solution up front . If there are different teams involved within the same project, it allows you to manage their different paces together by allowing for greater flexibility of what work can be picked up in specific sprints as long as all teams attend scrums or scrum of scrums.

Egos have no room in an agile process and over time, the’ True’ solution can be discovered as customers’ requirements get validated and refined based on the how sprints progress, as long as performance radiators (Burn Down charts or Scrum Task boards ) are diligently maintained and sprint reviews and retrospectives conducted.

What you need for Agile Scrum to Work for you :

Every project has a limited time and budget availability and to believe  that the Agile process will simply allow the development of the true solutions within cost and deadlines on the fly is not advisable

What you need at a bare minimum are:  

  1. A detailed enough plan or vision for the overall project of what needs to be done what would the end result enable your customers to do (Project Goal, Backlog and High-Level Design)
  2. A backlog that is at least 75% to 85% complete high level requirements that qualify for a minimum viable product or MVP. This backlog must clearly call out requirements that make up the foundation layer vs add on features
  3. An established and accepted  process for getting detailed acceptance criteria ( definition of ‘done’ ), sprint show-and-tell, and dealing with changes, and managing enhancements. Velocity charts and sprint reviews are essential to demonstrate impact of any changes on sprint and project goals
  4. An open culture of communication, freely, and without prejudice. This I would say is the single most important requirement whether you are working onshore or offshore. A willingness to speak up and to be concise during scrums is also imperative as well as knowing what to communicate. A good Scrum Master is the answer. An engaged and knowledgeable Product Owner is imperative.

How it can get out of hand

  1. While it allows you to discover the true solution over time, the Agile process can seduce you in believing that you can forever tweak a solution. There will ALWAYS be improvements that can be made and it is imperative that both the dev team and client team agree, on a “good-enough baseline” set of requirements that suit their overall goals and is on the roadmap for future enhancements. This baseline could come within a single sprint or several iterations.
  2. Meetings and more meetings - believe it or not there can be something as too much communication where your technical team is spending the majority of time in assessing complex requirements,  incoming enhancement and changes for technical feasibility This is best avoided by having an excellent technical BA and some up front thinking from the business product owner on what they want out of the solution
  3. Build Now – Adjust later – Following this to the letter of the law is very dangerous. Just because it’s agile, doesn’t mean you forgo design patterns and future proofing your design. Quite often a development feature can be prematurely included in a sprint just to mark it done It then has to be uprooted or re-written to accommodate incoming specs from other teams, or evolving requirements. While this is not bad per se , it will have an impact on your budget spend and timelines. It is very important to balance out prioritization of feature development with progress demos to sponsers  
  4. Tasks that are important but do not account for overall sprint velocity – These are tech or business sinks that can be essential to get the project moving along ( e.g. setting up a dev environment as a simple environment) . This can lead to a unfair portrayal of the team’s productivity as these activities do not add directly to deliverables . This leads to undue pressure on the team and can be skipped quite often to the detriment of the project. In essence , the Scrum Master needs to showcase any and all work done by the team in sprints
  5. If you do not execute sprint reviews or retrospectives, ( and quite often they are relegated in favour of ‘getting more work done’ ) , then you will never be able to truly understand any challenges in the project. This combined with Agile’s openness to change without documented change control ( in terms of why and who authorizes the change ) , will easily cause you project to overspend

Most misunderstood aspects of Agile

Requirements cannot be fully known in advance : Yes and No. At the very least there has to be an appreciation of underlying information architectures and how different foundational elements interact with each other before the build has begun. Over time I’ve seen projects spend at least an extra 30 to 40% more in operational and dev costs alone when a little proactive forethought would have helped layout foundation to build on

This is especially exacerbated when you have a solution that works across different scrum teams and projects ( that may not be running on agile ) working along separate timelines

Agile gives better estimations:  Yes but only over time with a consistent team. As the dev and client team work together more and more with a high degree of communication, they will get better at understanding requirements and thus estimating the user stories.

Agile means you can change your requirements whenever you want: Sure as long as you have the time and money to support the change :) . You also need to ensure that resources are available and have not been pre-assigned to other engagements.

Agile allows iterative software releases over short durations: This can require organizational process change to allow iterative releases. This can also come with the addition of specific software to manage and synchronise change/release management.

So Agile has can be really powerful provided you pay attention to how the methodlogy can work for you . What about Waterfall ? Surely that is definitely an inferior methodology and can't compare ? - Well, not quite - it's not that simple. You can read all about it in an upcoming Part 2 in a few days

Till then , tell me what you think. What have your experiences been with Agile and Waterfall processes ? Where do you see yourself ?

P.S. The title picture is Wentforth Falls in the Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney

Varun Kumar

Executive vice president - Product and Engineering

7 年

Tushar I sincerely respect you. Your articles are great on Adobe products. But here you MIGHT have got it wrong or may I miss understood the article or my understanding is limited. So below I have tried and explained my thinking and understanding. Hoping to get this cleared - at least my confused brain. "‘Agile’ simply refers to an iterative method of developing, managing and delivering an outcome or software which is of value to the customer" A lot of people say this and either I thinking in my brain or saying out load - Not really. Agility is a property of Business (System) to respond to change in a quick and efficient manner. Many times the system is development team. Roots are in the theory of cybernetics where you want a feedback loop established. If you are just delivering iteratively without feedback (feedback on WHAT you deliver and HOW you deliver) than it is not valuable. SCRUM is just a framework to get development work Agile. "Using a Kanban board to organize their work" Kanban was invented out of TPS. Fathers said it clearly but people forget. Single most important value out of Kanban is creative tension and challenge for the team to reduce WIP. I will put a limit on 5 items to be WIP. 3 will finish and 2 will get stuck. A lot of times, I might pick up next 5 items and 2 are moved back or assigned to another sprint. Idea is team to not move forward without resolving what got 2 stuck. This creates tension as people are sitting ideal with work stuck and not getting delivered. This results in roadblocks and hard things stopping/slowing the team to get resolved by the team which results in easier moving forward later on. Problems in the delivery boil up using Kanban and thus gets your attention. Aim should be 0 WIP in progress on a PERFECT system - unlikely to be attainable but keeps you going with Lean mindset to attain it. "A detailed enough plan or vision for the overall project of what needs to be done what would the end result enable your customers to do" "A backlog that is at least 75% to 85% complete high level requirements that qualify for a minimum viable product or MVP." "Requirements cannot be fully known in advance" Point is Requirements for TODAY can be known TODAY. More you go in future, higher is the probability for the Requirement to change. Even if not changed - a feature delivery today is more valuable then that delivery tomorrow as everything commodities with time. How much percentage of complete requirement set is known does not matter. What matters is what team is able to deliver today and that is 100% defined. Any day I will pick up a single fully defined / understood requirement vs 100% requirements of the project know but each 90% defined. Because that single 100% requirement can be delivered. Understand this as follows (thinking out loud here). You are in a war zone. You have 3 enemies in front at 100m. They are reloading and will fire at you in 3 mins. Each have 1 bullet and chance of hitting you is 33% for each. You are from American Sniper and a marksman. You have a choice to pick up a gun and fire unlimited bullets with a range of 99m or fire 1 bullet with 100m range gun in 2.59 mins. What will you do? I will pick up100 gun and fire my single bullet as by killing 1 target each 2.59 mins, I improve the chances of me being alive. Similarly if I have a automatic correct range super gun which I cannot use today, then it is useless. We do this all time in our lives - from adjusting the tap to right temperature when taking a bath (going from cold to too hot to too cold to just right) to finding our life partners. But for some reason when it comes to software delivery we get stuck with requirements. Without any research, my gut is this was started by IT consultancies as it works for them. "An established and accepted ?process for getting detailed acceptance criteria" Again Agility is a property. If you have established and accepted a process which does not have a feedback loop than it is going to get rotten with time. You need MEASURABLE acceptance criteria - not detailed. And you need a feedback loop for how. You have to move from 3 constraints of project management - Schedule, Scope and Budget to 3 new constraints - Agility, Value and Time. For this you need ways of working and thinking which are different - SCRUM, DevOps etc help with that but they are not everything. You need a right mix of system thinking, Complex system engineering and Cybernetics (along with some more I guess). When I am going against waterfall then it is only and only for a single reason to have feedback as quickly as I can - want to touch the fabric and feel it as quickly as I can!

Anil Kumar S

Business Escalations Manager at HP

8 年

Concise and good article!!! thanks

Ratnesh Pandey

Cameraman at freelance work

8 年

It is very great article forward to more

Kiran Khemnar

Software Engineer

8 年




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