Carve your own Journey #Episode 7
Dear Kabir,
It’s been so long since we had a nice talk with each other. Life surely manages to pull in a lot new changes in a short span. Well. Three months isn’t actually short but still. Believe me, before this I compiled over a million e mails, but I would end up saving it as a draft, maybe because I couldn’t bid enough courage or maybe because I wanted to move on. Umm... So I am glad I accomplished a mission by finally clicking the send key.?
I wanted to apologies for everything like me agreeing to get married and then suddenly I take a U-turn, and then the day we were going to meet and you met the unforeseen accident and so long I blamed your ego and arrogance. Little did I realize I too was filled with it. Perhaps my ego ended up being a barrier between us. For heaven’s sake please forgive me.
And so Mumbai, I am literally flaming to tell you all about it. A part of me feels like I am riding a high speed roller coaster, with curvy twists and smooth twirls but absolutely no breaches, my brown streaks smiling at the wide skies. Oh wait, did I tell you about my highlights, so not a big deal, just a week ago for the ball night, I highlighted my silky strips. No wonder, I am trying to merge in with the latest trends, but a part of me is still me, the joyful Rajkot girlie
So, maybe too much to grasp, but I couldn’t help words had poured out like a swarm of bees escaping from beehive on fire. And for a quick sneaky advice, as we no longer are couples, please don’t try to overdress, you look smarter and maybe hotter in your casual look, don’t ever use gel, that just isn’t your type, you look to funny in them and never stop wearing your black shirt you look too deadly to handle and you may end up burning the city lanes.
Bye, and have a good day, take care.
Dear Vaidehi,?
It’s so pleasing to hear from you after so long. And no need to be apologetic, let it slip from your memory. Even, I was dying to talk to you but let me confess that ego ends up rotting a friendship and maybe that’s why I could never be the first one.
Just like you even my life has climbed an unexpected cliff, I am currently aspiring to be working as a photographer, and I capture pictures, but not professionally, and simultaneously run lectures of genetics in the colleges of Rajkot. Did I tell you, Genetics is so mysterious and I am literally in love with biology? And even I am doing something equivalent to what I actually wanted to do, maybe my dreams are somehow limited but I am content with what I am currently working on. I feel as proud as a peacock after being someone I would look up to. I wanna catch up with you really soon. Our last meeting was just so unfurnished. Are you planning to visit Hubli during Diwali? If you are, than we should meet, this Diwali I wanna celebrate it in a different way. I was planning to gift some new clothes, crackers and sweets to the orphanage in the city. Please do join in with me.
And for the spicy confession, you look damn pretty in that messy bun and your threads curling in humidity are a perfect match with black dazzling hoops and emerald kajal, please don’t try it out in Bombay you may end up in prison as the charge for murder is way too high out there. By the way your raspberry perfume is too sweet, so I heartily advice you to abandon using it
Stay blessed,
So ego lost its path and anew friendship was reborn. Although they lived miles apart they were still in touch through the wireless network. They once wrote letters now they edit Emails. It was all like a regular ritual, sitting beside the laptop every night as they shared their experiences. Kabir could feel her voice dancing in his ears as he gulped in all her dreams.? Their conversations were bubbling as a smooth warm coffee.