Carve Out A Strong Career Path
Do you feel like you’re watching colleagues take the next steps in their career and want to experience the same success? If you’re looking to progress your career and have ambition to succeed you need to drive that enthusiasm in the right place, and in doing so carve out a strong career path for yourself. Broaden your horizons and make these positive moves to get ahead and take your career in the right direction….
- Go the extra mile
It isn’t necessarily about being the last to leave the office, you can go the extra mile by demonstrating initiative. Think outside of your current remit and look strategically at the value you could add to a particular project. Making suggestions on a strategic level, above your current commitment, or demonstrating that you have the foresight to run with a campaign and add value will stand you in good stead.
- The Long Game
You might be just starting out in your career or you could already be sitting pretty in management, but where do you ultimately want to be? Think about the long game and define your professional goals – are you a Marketing Exec looking to become a Marketing Director, and eventually run your own business? Whatever your dreams set them out early and create a plan of how you’re going to get there – whether it’s on the job experience or qualifications you’re looking for, make it attainable and make it happen – fill up your CV with relevant experience.
- Meet a mentor
Seek out a mentor either in your current role, via networking or industry leaders. Having someone to confide in on a professional level will help you focus on the direction you want to take your role. Having an independent sounding board will help you to stand back and get some clarity on how to best achieve your goals.
- Who do you aspire to be like?
If there are industry figures you admire take a look at their career history and see how they started and how they progressed to their current role. This may give you an alternative take on how to approach progression and the skills needed to get ahead.
- Be Proactive
Don’t remain stagnant in the work place and recognise when it’s time to be proactive. If you’ve explored all your options in your current role and it’s time to step up the career ladder don’t be afraid to look at the job market. Keep your Linkedin profile up to date and showcase your recent achievements – only you can shout about how good you are.
Make your next career move count and ensure you’re developing your career as employers like to see drive in individuals, and if they see talent in you will help you in achieving your professional and personal goals.
To talk to Benchmark about your career options call 0114 221 0550 or visit ourcareer pages.