Cartoon character rigging with joint based rig single hierarchy "Bakkar"

Cartoon character rigging with joint based rig single hierarchy "Bakkar"

See the rig in action on youtube

1.Joint based rig.

2.single hierarchy chain "can be exported to any game engine"

3.No blend shapes or corrective blendshapes

4.Two level of controllers Macro Controllers and Micro controllers

5.selector GUI for the body and the face

6.Mirror capabilities

7.can be mapped into humanIK

8.seamless IK FK swich

9.fleshy eyes

10.sliding function for eyelids

11.scalable rig and you can scale the head separately and every thing will work just as expected

12.Toon arm and legs with flexi controllers

13.cloth controllers

14.dynamic fk chain

the body with Made by "Rapid Rig: Modular"

and the face with my custom script 


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