Carter’s “Moral Clarity” Painfully Absent in Current American Leadership
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Αφ?στε το φω? σα? να λ?μψει μπροστ? στου? ?λλου?,
?για να δουν τι? καλ?? σου πρ?ξει?
και δοξ?στε τον Πατ?ρα σα? στον ουραν?.
Let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Moral Clarity is long defined by usage as a capacity to make firm distinctions without hesitations or much thought between evil and good, and to take action based on those distinctions
The key phrase here is possessing a Clear Distinction
This is the moral choice echoed by philosophers around the planet for the previous three thousand years.
It is a lonely place for in many circumstances it presses hard against what the popular or expedient thing is to do
I’ll tell you from experience
….people will deride and hate you just because you chose to “do the right thing”
Yet for the individual of conscience when they lay their head on the pillow at night and say a short prayer
….all Heaven and Earth rejoices in your Free Will to add your small contribution into the Plan of Salvation
The Good Book says to those that live within that light
……they are granted abundant health and length of days
Carter Centennial Life lends further acknowledgement that he was a Righteous Man in the sight of the Lord
My GOP Friends will be quick to say he was one of the worst presidents, as his leadership were in trying times both economic and political.
The image of Jimmy in his cardigan sweater telling his fellow Americans that we would have to make do with less
…stop complaining and lower the thermostat
For Carter the Nightmare of Iran …the hostages…failed rescue attempt
As One Fox Commentator stated – He was the worse modern-day president
Jimmy was a true believer in his Unified Philosophy of Life
Something today that few individuals in America’s Failed Political and Corporate Leadership Class even have a vapid grasp of this concept
They are very disappointing group of individuals
America’s Leadership Class and Elite live in the mystique of their Situational Ethics on the high end
….all the way to on the bottom side of this equation
….. pure narcissistic expedience
A deep endemic pathology that they have transmitted as the lingua franca of American Society
They tell us by their actions….
Only na?ve and stupid people are motivated by their conscience
As my kids tell me all the time
…people have no sense of shame or embarrassment
This Black Hole absence of a Moral Compass is so much of this aching feeling
…what’s broken so inextricably in the American Psyche
The General Election of 2024 was a referendum on the Spiritual Health of American Society
The best of the two choices was a cautious hope that we could find a path back to our former better selves
It was not a Change Election but a desperate cry for Improvement that reflected the memories of better times and much better leadership
The malaise in American Society is not the American People
….this Holiday Season I’ve been to a dozen churches celebrating
I can tell you the Public is looking for much better quality from their leaders my local friends
?….especially in the Corner Office in Concord and State Senate
Carter was a real Stand-Up Guy
…when the Rescue Effort failed miserably
Jimmy got in front of the cameras like an Old School Style CEO and took 100% of the responsibility
No hedging, defibrillation or far worse a BS Smoke Screen
The unvarnished cold hard facts
..that this smart man knew just ended his political career
Yet when he put his head on the pillow at night, our brother Jimmy was at peace for he was true to himself
..which to anyone morally or mental sound is the #1 Rule of Wellness
He knew something else…..when a door is closed its remarkable a new window for something else is opened
Jimmy and Rosalynn’s work with Habitant for Humanity became an expanding ministry whose collective good exponentially expanded under his patronage
?….keeping in line with his Social Gospel ….Unified Philosophy of Life this became something close to his heart
Faith without Good Works are Dead
More than just a True Believer ….Jimmy was a Doer of the Good Word
He was extraordinary in this role
No better example can be shown
– The Camp David Accords with Egypt and Israel
Carter was a ferocious reader …student of history
If you are attempting to unravel the present situation in places like the Mid East, or Russia you better know line and verse the history of these places for the last two thousand plus years
Our inept media keeps telling the nation that Arabs and Jews have been adversaries for thousands of years
Totally Non Factual—just shows the depth of their professional ineptness
Jews lived safely and even thrived in places like the Islamic World and Andalusian Spain while in Europe were persecuted relentlessly by Christian Rulers
In 2024 America nothing has changed as this same virulent Anti-Semitism is growing with intensity
A Huge Failure of our Leadership Class Moral Clarity ..a Historical Vistage of their European ancestors
It was precisely Carter’s Moral Clarity of the scope of history, foundations of the conflict coupled with Sadat and Begin’s confidence in his integrity
Jimmy in his upbringing, ministry of life, sincere desire to create the Greater Good was exactly the right individual in the right leadership place
For two weeks they hammered this out in all the details which must have been extremely complex
Yet it was the strength of Carter Character ….the Deep Abiding Trust everyone had in his sincerity that won the day
As Carter- Begin and Sadat stood on the White House Lawn exchanging a Three-Way Handshake
..this was the victory that only ?Moral Clarity can produce
It is nothing short of sad and laughable to think of Joe and the Biden Crime Family, The Bombastic Donald and his life of debauchery standing there in that White House Moment creating a Godly Inspired Moment of Grace
…that has brought peace for over forty-five years
Beneficially improved the lives of ten of millions if not the security of the entire planet
Ultimately Carter was the worth vessel of grace who in his willingness to serve humbly as a conduit accomplished exactly what St Matthew stated
A witness of the Divine One’s Grace shown brightly forth from a willing servant
I have no doubt in the mansions of the elect, that as we believe in Orthodoxy Our Brother Jimmy receives his Crown of Light
? it is exclaimed ---
Well Done thy Good and Faithful servant
Come enter ye therein ---
Worthily as a Citizen of Paradise
So as we meditate upon this man’s life
…… let us deliberate on his example not just of leadership but of sincerity
Heaven is not filled with the souls of the perfect
But the souls of the sincerity
May You Rest with the Saints
Memory Eternal + + +