The Cartels Murders of Sanibel Island
Pete Bennett
Pete Bennett - Highly Experienced - Web Database Programmer servicing fortune 100 companies primarily in the Bay Area. I have met or known Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Balmer, John Chambers, David Rockefeller and more.
The Red Arrow is Pete Bennett - I was there you weren't
Pete Bennett moved to Cape Coral Florida in 1975 right smack into forced bussing, race riots and underfunded racial driven now dead teachers.
This picture took 30 years to get back to me was taken around June 1975. My very good friend standing with arms up was dead by summer.
The Edison Pageant of Light Parade and President Ford
Attending school at Cypress Lakes High School in Ft. Myers Florida I was selected to sing for President Ford. What an honor, amazing and are for real wow.
The reality is my FBI file started then as during the motorcade we were being hooligans which brought Secret Service and FBI to us jokers. A few hours later I'm singing but Ford never made it to his seat as he was stalled but visible.
As they say it was an honor and a privilege that warm Ft. Myers morning.
The Parade today with LED lighting.
During those early years of life the Cartels, CIA and the drugs.
The Made In America or America Made is good movie but Tom Cruise plays a character that passes over the truth.
The guy on the far was in Ft. Myers Beach, was drunk and nasty. We (pals) and the Fly Boys mixed it up. One is them is one the victims in the above picture.
His parents likely attended my parents wedding. That story for another day.