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The OCX Standard used to transfer ship steel structure has left the safe port off a pure research project and is on its way to the open waters of industrial usage. With some help from my colleague @Jochen Boy who organizes e.g. the AP242 implementor forum for a long time, a similar implementor forum is now establishing for the OCX standard. Since most companies involved in providing software for that topic are members, this should help to secure interoperability.
But what is a free standard without a free implementation? Together with our working student Paul Büchner I implemented a solution to read OCX files and create the geometry in the OpenCascade kernel. The OCReader is a free and open solution hosted on GitHub.
True to the spirit of open-source software, Ozan Uyanik enhanced the implementation to read the cutBy definition and create the cutouts in the plates (see top/right in the screenshot). Thanks for that!
Paul Büchner is currently investigating the build pipeline on GitHub, this could lead to readily available software on top of providing the sources.
The next step would be for a viewer to show both the geometry as well as the meta-data from the OCX file in one solution. If you are a shipbuilding or IT student and looking for a bachelor or master thesis with some industry relevance, feel free to contact me. There is no predefined solution architecture, possible solutions are everything from a thick client over a separate, browser-based viewer with e.g. ThreeJS up to a fancy, web assembly based solution similar to IFC.js.