This isn’t just a ‘don’t browse your phone while your drive’ post (don’t do that too), but 'don’t judge a car by the website on which it is sold’??
If you are in automotive retail and are reasonably happy with your website, you may read no further. If not, welcome to virtual retailing!?
Before you judge us, we are not here to lecture you on Metaverse/AR/VR/Virtual Showrooms. In fact, we promise to not use a single ‘Hype cycle’ or jargon-like terms. Plain and simple English will do. ?
If you walk into a showroom, things are quite straightforward – you ‘see’ the car, ‘walk’ in and around it, ‘discuss’ your options with an agent, and ‘decide’. On a website, you are scrolling distractedly & clicking hoping the next click will tell you all you need to know to make that final decision. And of course, filling out forms. Do we need to say more about why your website will not sell cars??
With virtual retailing, we are here to bring the charm of real-life showroom visits, online. ?
All of this is exciting and game-changing indeed, thankfully it is happening now. Finally, why cars? A question we get asked every single day. Answer- If there is any product you are truly passionate about and would need to explore in complete immersion, cars are just that! We are #AllInForVirtualRetail and look forward to building the first evidence of deploying Metaverse at scale with the Automotive industry. ?
Eccentric Inc is showcasing its Virtual Technology at NADA 2023 Show. Come experience it at Booth 6711.??