Carry On Studying- How NOT to study
Sarah Waring
Passionate about trust-based philanthropy, storytelling, and creative writing.
Yes, I am a bit of an epic fail at the moment with my study plans. I need to find a way to get motivated and not dag it out until the last minute. You can buy all the most colourful books in the world, but it's not going to be as effective as a kick up the backside.
I had it all planned out as I purchased all my necessary stationery, created the ambience, and cleared my cluttered working space. I pencilled my schedule into my diary and I even bought a scented bloody candle as encouragement.
...and I have written a total of 0 words.
Largely, I believe, because I have been busy doing everything else, including spending time staring into space, thinking about all the things I should be doing.
Oh boy, I will be a miserable sod next week. I will probably turn into Jack Nicholson from the shining and have my divorce papers served.
Yes, I will be a grumpy cow because I have 2 weeks to submit my first assignment and with my student son already gloating about what a good student he is, I am ready to put his board up to wipe the smug look off his face. (That is a bit of bravado as I am a soft sap and would be just laughed at).
Anyway between my son and assignment day looming, I have been given the kick up the backside I have been avoiding. So, tomorrow starts the Olympic study challenge that sees me studying the lives of objects.
Someone should study the life of me. At the moment I am an interesting object on the verge of a great expedition...
Oh wait, that statement is just in my head.
I am an object with about as much enthusiasm as a slug on a bike ride.
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