‘Carry On Recruiting’….
Patrick Buckley
Director at Buckley Prichard | Real Estate and Assets Executive Search
Not so long ago, this country was famous for producing two kinds of movies; horror and comedy. Vincent Price and Sid James came to embody two sides of the British psyche, which has never taken itself too seriously. Even at the time, ’Carry on Screaming' famously managed to combine the two genres, if somewhat tongue-in-cheek, without alienating either audience. And this week, we witnessed the sad passing of Fenella Fielding, Queen of the double entendre, whose memorable role in that film has ensured it remains a classic of British cinema.
This week we’ve also been forced to reflect on the demise of another once famous actor on the world stage, Lehman Brothers. Yes, my friends, it’s been a decade since the bank’s collapse heralded the start of the financial crisis. And do you know what’s been occupying my thoughts? The fact that Buckley Prichard is still treading the boards, serving its audiences and continually entertaining new ideas. As the recruitment industry has adapted to a new reality, so have we.
We’ve also managed to hang-on to things we still think of as important. Timeless even. No amount of new technology can replace the empathy needed to do this job well. And trust can’t be programmed. It has to be earned. If the last ten years has taught me one thing, it’s that character counts when the chips are down. As a nation, we’ve always honoured this trait. But being British we also know it’s the done thing to burst our own bubble. Here’s to the next entertaining decade!