Career is Long Term Vision and Not a Short Term Goal!

Career is Long Term Vision and Not a Short Term Goal!

GI've been getting a lot of messages lately from students and job seekers on Linkedin. It's great to see so many motivated people out there! If you're one of them, don't worry - you're not alone. Job hunting can be tough, but with persistence and hard work, you'll find something that's right for you.

I understand how frustrating it can be when you don't hear back from employers or feel like your applications are going nowhere. But keep in mind that every rejection is just another opportunity to learn and grow. Don't give up!

Remember that you're more than just a resume or cover letter. Embrace those qualities and use them to stand out from the crowd. And above all, stay positive and believe in yourself.

I hope this message gives you some encouragement and motivation to keep pushing forward. Good luck on your journey!

So I thought of addressing it from an industry point of view!

1. Both industries are growing parallelly with a huge demand but Still supply is a bigger problem in the IT Networking industry to solve as most of us at our young age have a know-how only a #softwaredevelopment

2. Carrer is a short-term goal but not a long-term vision. Most of the students we are meeting have only aspirations of becoming an engineer because

their elders have suggested it or cousins are earning Loads of amount.

3. CS&IT is a vast field and is just not limited to Software Development or coding or programming. IT networking is also the backbone of the Indian economy

4. Lots of students are enrolled in #cse / #IT who are afraid of Coding and programming but due to point no.2, they have been stuck in it. The solution is exploring the IT Networking field which is a recession-free Domain.

5. Dev ops is a field where Software and networking domains Shake hands together and this yet again the field which unexplored.

6. Cybersecurity demand has grown massively even in Government organizations and it was announced by the honorable Prime minister. Mr. Narender Modi that every Police station will be having a cyber security cell.

7. If you are looking for a Mentor and want to grow your career as an #engineer but struggling to get help. DM our Team and we will be helping you out.

#networking #software #programming #facebook #help #coding #career #ITNetworkingDemand #CareerAspirations. #CSITBeyondCoding #ExploreITNetworking #DevOpsNetworking #CybersecurityDemand #NS3EduMentorship

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