Carpe diem
Carpe diem - I love this Latin phrase that means “pluck the day” or “seize the day”.
Basically, it means - focusing on the present as much as possible, and taking desirable action now, instead of postponing it for later. It’s about not losing the present moment, since it is the only thing you can directly control at any given time.
A Carpe diem mindset is very much required in business and life to get timely results and satisfaction - as tomorrow is not promised for anyone. There may possibly be no tomorrow.
An active Carpe diem approach consists of two main facets:
- Focus on what is happening at the present moment.
- Awareness of the uniqueness and value of every moment in life.
It does not mean forgetting your past or ignoring the future consequences of your actions. Rather, it’s about focusing on the present, and not letting thoughts about your past or future control you. A Carpe Diem approach is associated with more satisfaction in life, and with a more effective achievement of goals.
To implement ‘carpe diem’ and successfully seize the day, you should make sure to avoid postponing things unnecessarily, and instead take full advantage of the present moment, while keeping in mind the fact that life is short and bound to end eventually, so you should make the most of the time that you have.
If you’re not sure whether you’re doing this properly, take a look at the following statements. The more characteristic these statements are of you, the more likely you are to be following a carpe diem approach:
- “I try to live every day as fully as I can.”
- “I often focus on the present.”
- “I appreciate the value of every moment of life.”
In fact today's times especially need a "Carpe diem" approach in business and life.
Take Rapid Massive Action Now - Make It Happen - Just Do It.
This moment will never come back again.
#makeithappen #justdoit #carpediem #leadership #entrepreneur #execution #success #winning