Carpe Diem
Seize every day but grapple with what is to be focused on now and you shall be set free. Your destiny will become real and rooted in truth with proper execution. The year happens not in one idea, but on the fleeting thoughts that excite us and drive us. It is our perceived free will, that of decision that will cause our year to be rich or poor. To win our lives back from unconscious slavery we must take the year and break it down to the quarter. Take the quarter and divide it into months, then adjust the month to a week and a week to a day. Ah, carpe diem, seize the day by the suns motion and use your gravitational purpose. Capitalize on each face be it high or low by the hour. Clasp the hour by the minute and the second by each moment, and now you have the formula for success, do not wait or procrastinate. Success does not show up; it is a process of your decisions. Decision does not exist in the here and now. It is determined by your past development and it is your unconscious thought that drives your conscious behaviors today. What you decide today effects your next decision tomorrow. Therefore, to seize the day you must do your homework, Latin prose generally means the root for most profundity and that is our lesson today, internalize “Carpe Diem” and seize the day!