Carpe Diem! 1838- James J. Hill: wealth must be saved from predatory... 1898- H. A. Rey: Do you want to hear truth? 1971- Greenpeace first sailed. ?
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- 9/16/1838 - James J. Hill - Great Northern Railroad
The wealth of the country, its capital, its credit, must be saved from the predatory poor as well as the predatory rich, but above all from the predatory politician.
- 9/16/1898 - H.A.Rey – with his wife Margaret, creators of Curious George
Do you want to hear the truth which you should hear and I'll tell you, and not just what you think you want to hear? The truth is that George is gone and it is you're fault. Now the question is, what are you going to do about it? - Miss Maggie Dunlop, Curious George
- 9/16/1971 - Greenepeace first sailed