the Carnival of Markets

the Carnival of Markets

…which operate as a single organism

Due Attribution

I am extending due retribution John G. Singer (? ) for originating the phrase “a carnival of markets which operate as a single organism”, which I have borrowed and used in this article.

To illustrate this article, on encouraging and enabling the supply side (i.e., industry – sell side) Stakeholder Integration, I used the front cover of the book titled “Stakeholder Integration in Service Innovation”, by Julia M. Jonas, a softcover edition of which one can buy for Euro 53.49 (? ).


As will be understood and appreciated, “integration” has been preconditional for the creation of the Contemporary Health Tourism “Big3” (the Carnival of Markets which operate as a single organism):

  • the Economic Ecosystem (as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization - DAO)
  • the Transaction System (for Selling, Buying and Investment)
  • the Metamarket (the bringing together of the supply side and the buy side)

BTW, a “precondition” is a requirement that must be met before something else can happen.

For example, one might say: there are some “preconditional tasks” that need to be completed before we can start the project - this means certain things must be done (preconditions) before the project can begin.

For a LinkedIn article on the “Big3” and Integration see: ? ?.

repetition does not spoil the prayer

…the need to repeat "it" 20 times - for people "to get it"

In the book “How Google Works”, Jonathan Rosenberg, at the time, Senior Vice President, Product Management at Google is quoted as lamenting: “In most aspects of life, you need to say something about twenty times before it truly starts to sink in. Say it a few times, people are too busy to even notice. A few more times, they start to become aware of a vague buzzing in their ears. By the time you’ve repeated it fifteen to twenty times you may be completely sick of it, but that’s about the time that people are starting to get it.”

I have been speaking and writing about “integration” from the time I began to understand what Health Tourism was about (circa 2006).

At some point, my “hope and belief” is that, my “prayer” will be answered and I will be able to put the matter to rest – and go on to speak and write about - and think and do – something more interesting and creative.

This will happen when the stakeholders “get it” (understand and appreciate) and "buy into" (adopt and implement) Contemporary Health Tourism – i.e., when the “critical mass” has been reached.

In the meantime, I will continue to repeat the “integration” message – since, repetition does not spoil the prayer.

The message going out to all stakeholders is: “something has been changed for the better - participate in, contribute to and benefit”.

BTW, stakeholder integration in an economic sector (such as that of Contemporary Health Tourism) is a way to ensure that economic growth is inclusive, sustainable and benefits all stakeholders.

starting by bringing the 8 health-related services “together”

…a sterling example of integration

One of the features which distinguishes Contemporary Health Tourism (a.k.a. – and symbolized by – ht8) and sets it attractively apart, is its emphasis on “integration”.

ht8, itself, is a sterling example of integration, the bringing together of health-related services in 8 Segments:

  • Medical Tourism (and its “sub-divisions” – i.e., specialties in Medicine and areas of clinical focus)
  • Dental Tourism
  • Spa Tourism
  • Wellness Tourism
  • Sports Tourism
  • Culinary Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism
  • Assisted Residential Tourism (technology-enabled Housing and Care abroad)

ht8 - integration of the 8 health-related services:

  • expands the supply side / sell side (Industry) so that it can address a broader demand side (Market), meaning more business for all
  • integrates (brings together) the Industry stakeholders (in the 8 Segments), without depriving them of their "Identity, Distinctiveness and Independence”
  • makes every tourist or traveler a potential Health Tourist
  • makes Health Tourism an attractive, broad-appeal, lifestyle choice – for all – for a lifetime
  • exemplifies the Long Tail approach to sector-specific Legal Entity (ssLE) design, creation – or transformation – and operation (Business Strategy)
  • has made it possible for Health Tourism to be repurposed (from a “need” to a “want”)

Stakeholder Integration

…without loss of “Identity, Distinctiveness and Independence”

BTW, this article is only about industry integration, but in the context of Contemporary Health Tourism (a.k.a. – and symbolized by - ht8), integration involves the entire economic ecosystem, which, of course, also includes the demand side (market – buy side) and the investor side.

I have considered all the industry (supply side - sell side) stakeholders in each of the 8 Segments (ht8), Travel, Tourism, Hospitality and the sector-supporting services provision – with the view to inducting and integrating those who are “suitable and willing”, into the ecosystem.

I have let it be known that as part of the ExCtu (i.e., the fledgling Health Tourism “service station” I now direct) Health Tourism Watch “agenda” and Total Health Tourism Information “service”, I get to know “who is who and what is what” – at least the “who and what” worth knowing.

And it is clearly and convincingly shown that the industry players being integrated into the economic ecosystem do not lose their “Identity, Distinctiveness and Independence” – Contemporary Health Tourism is not a melting pot.

the meaning of "integration"

…combining things in an effective way - adding parts to make a unified whole

Integration is the action or process of combining two or more things in an effective way (Cambridge Dictionary).

Stated a little differently, integration is the act of combining or adding parts to make a unified whole (Collins English Dictionary).

In the context of context of Contemporary Health Tourism, integration means bringing all the stakeholders together in the Carnival of Markets which operate as a single organism – so that they can participate in, contribute to and benefit from the Big3.

the “why”

…to deal with fragmentation which is responsible with “inefficiency”

If pressed to explain the “why” of integration by providing only one reason, this one reason would be: “to deal with fragmentation which is responsible for inefficiency”.

“fragmentation” is an “ailment” which afflicts Health Tourism in its original – innate - state (the “existing model”, which is now known as Conventional Health Tourism).

Contemporary Health Tourism (the “new model”) has dealt with fragmentation – and the resultant “inefficiency” - through “integration”.

value and benefits of Integration

…for an “economic sector” and its stakeholders


  • deals with “fragmentation” which is responsible for inefficiency” (i.e., increases efficiency)
  • ensures that economic growth is inclusive, sustainable and benefits all stakeholders
  • fosters innovation (diverse perspectives lead to new ideas and technologies that benefit everyone)
  • promotes sustainability (an integrated sector encourages and enables the adoption and implementation of “responsible practices” – leading to long-term viability
  • enhances competitiveness (a sector that has addressed fragmentation [and “inefficiency], builds a stronger reputation and attracts more investment)
  • provides the “social license” to operate (the public trust and acceptance which confers “legitimacy”) – see relevant article:?
  • increases consumer confidence and trust (consumers are more likely to trust services from providers operating in integrated sectors – which, practically by definition, have a “social license” – i.e., are legitimized)
  • enhances a sector’s reputation (an integrated sector that prioritizes stakeholder interests can build a strong positive image and attract more business, investment and even, talent)

Overall, stakeholder integration in an economic sector is a way to ensure that economic growth is inclusive, sustainable and benefits all stakeholders.



Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章

