Carlina Duncan

Carlina Duncan

Hi Carlina, yes I know that was you I saw on the promenade in St. Leonards, I ignored you because I thought you were my daughter Natalie who is the spitting image of you.

At the time Nats and I were not on speaking terms, we've patched things up and getting along great and I have a beautiful 7 month old grandson.

Your mother Caroline's explanation of why I was not there for you from birth will be totally different from what I have to explain and mine is the truth.

I have never hidden you from my family and because you look so much like your half sister Natalie you got to be a Duncan, I'm responsible for your existence, she is dying to meet you, the thought that she's got a half sister has always excited her.

I want to see you, I owe an explanation, however I'm not the one who is going to explain everything, your sister will explain all and then you can decide if you want to see me and your sister and half brother Craig who now calls himself Jayden Carter 94 on Facebook, you can contact him on fb, he's your brother.

I'm guessing that you recognise me from my social media posts, if so then do contact me, I want you firstly to contact your sister Natalie through her email address which is : [email protected] or contact her on Facebook, she is dying to meet you and to know I have got a granddaughter from you is pleasing enough for me, you got a lot of pent up anger to let out but your family and never hidden from my family, they have always known about you and Nats can fully explain why I was not there for you, leave the ball in your court, take care, Ferdi (dad).


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