Caring for Patients During Chaos
CM&F Group
CM&F Group provides professional liability insurance for over 200 healthcare professions, groups and clinics.
During the beginning of October of 2023, we became witnesses to absolute pandemonium…chaos. A land that has always been on the alert suddenly endured an attack across its border which resulted in unimaginable atrocities. A declaration of war was instituted within forty-eight hours. The Middle East has now become a powder keg that could bring other countries into the war, including the United States.?
We, as Americans are observing and experiencing complete disorder. How do we react? When things are in utter confusion from the emergence of war, all people fall into a state of emotional chaos
Another appropriate word for the present situation is pandemonium. We are observing anarchy, discord, lawlessness, terrorism both at home and abroad and those whom we treat for illnesses are in a complete uproar. Etymology is the study of the origins and development of words and pandemonium derives from a place of demons in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Another example of this often-used word is war. War has all the attributes. These situations are not foreign to any student of history, as history has demonstrated what evil lies in the heart of mankind, which did not end in the 20th Century.?
Here we are in a new century where we postulated that barbarity and inhumanity could no longer survive. Adversity and chaos on this scale is almost unimaginable in our modern world. We as healthcare providers need to focus on our listening skills
I witnessed on television an Israeli EM physician; he was caring for an Israeli citizen on one stretcher and a wounded HAMAS patient on another. I recall fifty-six years earlier: I was a very young man, caring for a wounded American soldier and, having as my next patient, a Viet Cong soldier. This challenges us as civilian members of both medical and nursing teams and, in these times, we need to be particularly attentive to render nondiscriminatory health care
CM&F specializes in liability insurance for PAs. CM&F’s superior professional liability insurance is designed to protect your assets, license and reputation, bringing PAs peace of mind. Click here to learn more.