Caring Passionately For All: Offering a Beacon of Light to those in need at Christmas through the Liverpool Lighthouse
Carlisle were really proud to be involved with an amazing local charity this Christmas - the Liverpool Lighthouse.
The team conducted a collection raising over £400 for the charity which enabled them to buy and wrap a number of hampers of basic provisions for those less privileged this Christmas. The team lead by Phoebe Barry and supported by Jeff Higham and Brian Day delivered the hampers just in time to bring happiness to a number of familes over the festive period. They epitomize our value of caring passionately for all with their actions.
The charity does a lot of fantastic work and would invite you all to look at the good work they do and see if you can spare time or money to assist with what they do to improve the lives of thousands in Liverpool.
Well done to Phoebe, Jeff, Brian and all those who contributed.