CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate creditworthiness” ratings of Saint Lucia Electricity Services Limited
Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services (CariCRIS)
Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS) has reaffirmed the Issuer/Corporate Credit Ratings currently assigned to Saint Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC or the Company) at CariBBB- (Foreign and Local Currency Ratings) on the regional rating scale. These ratings indicate that the level of creditworthiness of this obligor, adjudged in relation to other obligors in the Caribbean, is adequate.
CariCRIS has also maintained a stable outlook on the ratings. The stable outlook is based on the high likelihood of continued profitability, albeit at a lower level over the next 12 to 15 months. This is underpinned by continued strong electricity demand supported by good economic conditions in Saint Lucia. Revenue is, however, expected to be tempered by lower electricity prices and a likely increase in administrative expenses. Notwithstanding lower profitability, the Company is expected to generate sufficient cash flows to meet debt obligations coming due.
The ratings reflect LUCELEC’s monopoly position as Saint Lucia’s sole energy transmission and distribution (T&D) company. The ratings are also supported by the Company’s continued good financial performance and adequate cash flows which support the timely repayment of debt obligations. The Company continues to maintain good operating efficiency, supported by its ongoing focus on system enhancements and network improvements. These rating strengths are constrained by significant risk retention via self-insurance of T&D assets, though tempered by parametric hurricane insurance coverage. The ratings are also tempered by concentration risks associated with LUCELEC’s significant exposure to Saint Lucia’s economic environment.
Rating Sensitivity Factors
Factors that could, individually or collectively, lead to an improvement in the Ratings and/ or Outlook include:
Factors that could, individually or collectively, lead to a lowering of the Ratings and/ or Outlook include:
For more information on LUCELEC’s ratings, please visit or contact:
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