Cargo Club of Australia's first charitable donation after rebranding
Steve Brogan
Logistics Sales Professional - 30 Years of experience - Freight forwarding - 3PL - Man of Steel
Cargo Club of Australia's first charitable donation after rebranding!
Recently we have had the pleasure to again help one of our own in donating $2750.00 to Remy Bove & his family who works for Emirates Cargo in Melbourne. His son Daniel suffers from Down Syndrome and whilst there is no cure there are ways to assist not only Daniel but also the family to make their lives easier.
The family will be travelling to Philadelphia, USA to attend a course during June 13-15th this yea...r at the Institutes for the achievement of human potential.
The Institutes is a group of nonprofit institutes founded by Glenn Doman in 1955. The Institutes is internationally known for its pioneering work in child brain development and for its programs to help brain-injured children achieve wellness and well children achieve excellence.
Historically, children diagnosed with developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, learning problems, dyslexia, and a host of other symptomatic diagnoses have been considered hopeless.
Thousands of parents have come to The Institutes to learn how to help their children at home. Those parents have proven beyond any doubt that brain-injured children are not hopeless, but instead have tremendous potential. The Institutes exists to insure that all brain-injured children have a fighting chance to be well.
The objective of The Institutes is to take brain-injured children, however severely hurt, and help them to achieve normality physically, intellectually, physiologically, and socially.
For over a half-century, families have found their way to The Institutes from more than 120 nations. The families of The Institutes represent virtually every race, religion, and creed on earth.
While there is a great diversity of background, language, and culture among the families, they have in common an extraordinary devotion to their children. Their children are their first priority in life. They are committed to doing everything in their power to help their children realize their full potential.
So we wish the Bove Family a safe trip and hope that our donation towards the cost of the course helps not only young Daniel but all of the family.
Once again a big thank you to all of our members, guests, friends, and our sponsors that make these donations happen. Without all of your support coming to our functions we wouldn't be able to help our friends in need.