Caregiving with kids
Jennifer Szakaly, MA, CMC, NMG
Founder & CEO | Nationally Certified Care Manager | National Master Guardian | Goldman Sachs 10KSB alum
Children generally like to feel included. But they may not know how to relate to an ill family member with limited abilities. Here are some ideas for home-based activities with elementary-age children.
Finger foods are fun to prepare and eat together.
Side-by-side reading nurtures a relationship.
Photographs spark memories.
Everybody needs an exercise buddy.
Children are observant and curious. Their noses are sensitive to smells. If odors tend to be present, make sure there's plenty of fresh air circulating and consider having a bouquet of flowers in the room. Talk with children ahead of time about your loved one's situation. They will be less likely to blurt out awkward questions or to worry that your loved one's condition is contagious.
Looking for ways to involve the children?
As the Charlotte Metro and Lake Norman experts in family caregiving, we at Caregiving Corner support multigenerational families. Give us a call if you need ideas. 704.945.7170