Carefully Controlled Chaos
Angela Dunz, MBA
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That is how I described my teaching style when I was a High School Biology teacher and Track, Football, and CC coach.
Learning does not happen in a straight line. It’s messy and convoluted. It requires play and experimentation. You have to ‘muck about’ and try things.
If you are an artist, you might have a healthy relationship with messy.
Many people, as they become ‘seasoned professionals’ avoid messy. We want neat, clean, straight-forward solutions that jump out at us.
“It’s complicated,” applies to almost everything now. These are chaotic and disruptive times. And, they should be.
We are creating something brand new. We will need to muck about.
If your business hasn’t taken any significant twists or turns in the last 5 years, you aren’t paying attention.
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.
There is an invitation in chaos. A bold one. If you are brave enough to see it.
Reinventing yourself. Following where your business leads isn’t for the faint of heart. And, that is where success lies.
The solutions that got us here are expiring. Memos will not be sent.
I have a Master’s in Curriculum Design. One of the first rules of creating great curricula is providing space and activities for trial and error.
Awkward. Uncomfortable. Messy. Potential for something genius to occur.
“We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.”
-Charles Schaefer
“Scientists have recently determined that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain—unless it is done with play, in which case, it takes between 10 and 20 repetitions.”?
— Dr. Karyn Purvis
Here’s another thing I learned, collaboratively, we learn much faster. Brainstorming, bouncing ideas off each other, talking things through… Powerful learning.
Most New Year's Resolutions are abandoned because it gets messy.
What are your goals and ambitions for 2025?
Make them enormous. And, let them be messy.
Don’t go alone, drag others into the fray.
Drop your expectations at first. Then, use discernment to sort it all out.
Let's make 2025 something to remember.
Until next time...?
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Steve Fretzin, of Be That Lawyer Podcast is an excellent host!