Be Careful on Posting On-Line Messages!
Recent racial tensions in the U.S. led to emotional and strongly-worded messages appearing on on-line media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others. Regardless of which side you support, I suggest that you think carefully about potential negative impacts your messages may have on your career. This is especially true if you are young and still in the job market or in the early stages of your career. Hopefully to help you, even if I do not know any of you readers, I am reprinting below my article that appeared early this year in The Korea Times. Here it is:
As our lives are becoming increasingly dependent on the gadgets of the electronic age, I would like to propose "Ten Rules 2016" for your consideration. I am adding 2016 to the title because I want to reserve the right to update the list. After reading, let me know if you have suggestions.
Rule one is that if there is any doubt or hesitation in your mind, do not post it online. This includes inappropriate messages, pictures and other information. Once these are online, you have lost any control over them.
Rule two is that you should not post any negative messages about anyone. Sometimes, we become so frustrated that we want to write something really bad online. Only do this if you are entirely convinced you will never regret having posted the message. If you have to do it, try to generalize your message, not personalize it. This has been my principle during my years of close contact with the media.
To continue to read all ten rules: