Be Careful of inquiries on your credit report.
Brenda Robinson
Credit Specialist | New Business Development, Social Networking, Mentoring
Be careful of inquiries on your credit report.
Every time that someone looks at your credit report, the inquiry is noted.? If you have lots of inquiries on your report, it may appear that you are shopping for several loans at once - or that you have been rejected by lenders.? Both make you appear a poor credit risk and may affect your credit score.? This means that you should be careful about who looks at your credit report. If you are shopping for a loan, shop around within a short period of time, since inquiries made within a few days of each other will generally be lumped together and counted as one inquiry.??
You can also cut down on the number of inquiries on your account by approaching lenders you have already researched and may be interest in doing business with - by researching first and approaching second you will likely have only a few lenders accessing your credit report at the same time, which can help save your credit score.