Be careful driving on #taxday!
Brandon Straza
You should check out THE SUCCESS FINDER....... I mean, you do want to be successful right? It's literally in the name!
We were a little skeptical about this one, but the math is there for all to see: there are more traffic accidents on tax day than on days that aren’t tax day. That means that Monday, April 18, you should probably be a little more careful on the road - according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you have about a 6% higher chance of being in a wreck on that day.
Frazzled nerves, rushing around, and just all-out general stress are what contribute to this phenomenon. If you can stay at home or otherwise minimize your time on the road, it might not be a bad idea to just relax and take it easy! And if you're taking the night off, consider dropping us a line! A quick and free policy review is often just the thing to increase coverage and save some money. Stay safe, and enjoy (or survive) tax day the best you can!