CareerStaff's May Wrap-Up!

CareerStaff's May Wrap-Up!

May was a thrilling month for CareerStaff as we celebrated National Nurses Month! Our festivities aimed to honor the vital role that nurses play in enhancing the lives of their patients and communities. We also brought attention to National Hospital Week and ways to support the hospital workforce. Overall, May was a successful month of sharing valuable resources, tips, and more!

Healthcare Employers Recap

Clinicians and Nurses Recap?

  • 10 Self-Care Tips for Nurses We started Nurses' Month off right! Week 1 we placed a strong emphasis on self-care for our nurses because when you're feeling your best, you are able to provide the highest quality nursing care to your patients.
  • Recognizing The History of Nurses Week 2 of our Nurses' Month fell on Nurses Week, and was all about recognition. Join us on a journey through time as we celebrate significant moments and trailblazers that have made nursing what it is today.
  • Nursing Professional Development We devoted week 3 of Nurses' Month to highlighting the significance of professional development. As a nurse, it's important to invest in growing your career, and we're proud to support this with this list of career resources.
  • Top Professional Nursing Organizations in 2023 During the last week of Nurses' Month, we placed emphasis on community engagement and urged nurses to participate in nursing organizations to make a difference in their communities.

Corporate Recap

  • Employee Recognition: CareerStaff’s Q1 2023 Core Value Awards At CareerStaff, we prioritize employee recognition and uphold our core values as fundamental pillars for our organization’s culture. We asked a few of CareerStaff’s Core Value Award Members what it means to be collaborative, supportive, and unparalleled.??

CareerStaff understands that your career is not just a job, and we are committed to helping you find fulfilling positions that align with your goals. We provide support for nurses , workforce partners , and corporate employees to help you achieve success in your career.?


