Careers in Web3. What to expect in 2023?

Careers in Web3. What to expect in 2023?

My first real post on LinkedIn was about career choices, programming to be specific. So it feels just right to end the year talking about what to hope for in 2023, career-wise.

Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.?

Those were the first three lines of the Bitcoin whitepaper and the beginning of the glorious journey to what we are seeing today. But that wasn't really the beginning of Blockchain.

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Cryptographer, David Chaum in 1987 proposed a blockchain-like protocol in his 1982 dissertation "Computer Systems Established, Maintained, and Trusted by Mutually Suspicious Groups." and further work on a cryptographically secured chain of blocks was described in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta.

In 1992, Haber, Stornetta, and Dave Bayer incorporated Merkle trees into the design, which improved its efficiency by allowing several document certificates to be collected into one block. Under their company Surety, their document certificate hashes have been published in The New York Times every week since 1995.

All these were put together to form the first decentralized blockchain conceptualized by a person (or group of people) known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.??

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Nakamoto improved the design in an important way using a Hashcash-like method to timestamp blocks without requiring them to be signed by a trusted party and introducing a difficulty parameter to stabilize the rate at which blocks are added to the chain. The design was implemented the following year by Nakamoto as a core component of the cryptocurrency bitcoin, where it serves as the public ledger for all transactions on the network.

But that didn't end there. There were limitations and then came Ethereum.

Ethereum’s purpose is not primarily to be a digital currency payment network. While the digital currency ether is both integral to and necessary for the operation of Ethereum, ether is intended as a utility currency to pay for use of the Ethereum platform as the world computer.

Unlike Bitcoin, which has a very limited scripting language, Ethereum is designed to be a general-purpose programmable blockchain that runs a virtual machine capable of executing code of arbitrary and unbounded complexity. Where Bitcoin’s Script language is, intentionally, constrained to simple true/false evaluation of spending conditions, Ethereum’s language is Turing complete, meaning that Ethereum can straightforwardly function as a general-purpose computer.

Now fast forward to 2022, several blockchains had appeared from the general premise of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Some are even built on those systems as sidechains or rollups. And now more than ever, a new branch of careers involving software programmers and others like content creators, brand strategists, community managers, digital art creators, metaverse architects, blockchain lawyers and so much more has been established.

But there are still doubts about the future of some careers.

First, will AI take all your tech jobs??

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No. It is impossible at its current state, and it still requires a lot of Big data?and given that the knowledge of the true possibilities of the Web3 space is rudimentary and there is still much to be explored, the odds of AI completely taking over are very low.

But it is understandable to have fears.

The average salary of a smart contract developer at the peak of the bull run was about 60k - 150k USD per year, some Blockchain Engineers did earn up to 250k USD per year.

Cointelegraph reported that careers in crypto outstripped price action in 2021, as crypto job searches soared by 395% in the United States alone, according to LinkedIn.

Crucially, the crypto industry outpaced the wider tech industry, which also saw remarkable development, almost doubling its number of job listings. However, at 98% growth, the tech industry dwindles in comparison to crypto jobs, which gained by a whopping 395%.

But given the lack of funding and other economic jargon attributed to the concept of recession, most companies were forced to downsize and lay off staff or go out of business. One notable company is Coinbase.

Coinbase in June laid off 18% of its workforce, which puts the amount at 1100- 1200 people. They also laid off 60 more people in November. It might not be much compared to Meta which laid off more than 10k. But It's still no good news, for new developers or job seekers entering into the Web3 space.

Will things get better in 2023?

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Coinbase in their last market outlook reported that digital assets haven’t faced an important setback. The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is currently around US$835 billion, down 62% from $2.2 trillion at the end of 2021, albeit still high relative to most of the asset class’ history. Comparatively, the Nasdaq is down 30% since the end of 2021 and the S&P 500 down 18%.

Things would surely get better as the business cycle of Web3 changes. We are estimated to be about 2-4% world adoption rate, depending on where you look at. And we are yet to fully explore how Web3 and Blockchain could solve simple problems for simple business folks. So there are still lands left to conquer. And compared to what could be the demand for Web3, the supply is still relatively low.?

Blockdata's October article reports that 86 out of the global top 100 companies in terms of market cap are actively pursuing blockchain-related solutions for their business needs. Of these, only 44 have actively pursued blockchain strategies over the last 12 months. Among these companies are Tesla, Nike, Alibaba, Amazon, JP Morgan, Adobe, Oracle, and Meta.

For developers, Ethereum which is more than twice its closest competitor in terms of monthly developers was placed at about 4100 monthly developers at its peak. That is small compared to the numbers posted by Javascript, Python, Java, PHP, and C#.

So yeah, we might see the same numbers in terms of salary posted in the future till we start having more people?getting involved in the space.

But there is also a possibility that this current economic drought could persist till the last quarter of 2023, which is no good news. The calls for regulation and skepticism spread by some influential people, politicians, countries, and their mainstream media. And we are also beginning to see a lot of conflict of interest and disinformation that could potentially affect the growth of the space.

So what should you be doing?

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Everyone is always talking about resume this and resume that. But I think that resume can be overrated. The same thing with work experiences.

I know a developer who posted his works on Solidity and various breakdowns on Linkedin every day for a month straight. He continued posting two months after and at the end of the day, he got a job. He has no previous work experience or solid resume.

When I started out on LinkedIn, I tried getting jobs. I applied to 50 jobs, hoping one will at least consider me. None did. Months after, I realized one thing.

No one was going to give me a chance to get interviewed. But it was not going to be a problem. LinkedIn has given me the perfect stage to say what I know. And as long as there are founders, HR personnel, and recruiters on LinkedIn, that watch without speaking, I am covered.

Less than a month later, it paid out.

Research, learn, build and never be afraid to speak about what you know and what you can do. It gives you opportunities to meet new people, learn more, work on your craft and keep up with the trends

Remember, no one cares about what you do, only what you can do for them.

Know this and you are on the right track to knowing where it all comes together in terms of the future of your career in Web3.


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