Careering all over the place.

Careering all over the place.

Were you one of those people who knew exactly what they wanted to do since they were seven years old and have followed that singular journey to great success, acclaim, and a sense of purpose and fulfilment?

No? Me either!

We believe we should/will know what we want to do and pursue. But it's not usually that straightforward. More than likely, we see some of our friends whose careers appear to do that and feel like we are a bit of a loser. When things aren't going 'all ahead full' in a predictable line, they?can?feel like?a giant ball of confused.

However, for most people, the career path is not linear. It's not a carefully crafted story. It circles around, takes unexpected turns, or has a break as you?raise children, care for family, or even enjoy a sabbatical for a while.?

While some people look for the next logical progression, others take wild chances, accept unexpected offers, and build their own paths. Some people plan each step carefully, while others leave it to chance or serendipity. Neither is right nor wrong. It's simply being happy with the choice you make.?

The fact that we need new and different skills, that skills?become quickly outdated, and that they will be required?for jobs that don't exist yet doesn't make it more straightforward.

While many of us are still looking for a more traditional career path that follows a linear progression within a single profession or industry, others are embracing a portfolio career with multiple simultaneous jobs, often across different fields, or taking a more entrepreneurial path, starting and running our own businesses.?

So, if you feel like you are careering all over the place, take heart. There are many paths to professional success. If you are keen to plan ahead, that's brilliant. If you want to stay open to opportunities, that's amazing?too. If you want a little from column A and a little from column B at different times, then have it.?

Your career can feel like every attraction at the carnival. So, make your own choice and enjoy the ride through the ups and downs, twists and turns, swings?and roundabouts. It may feel dizzying at times, but hang on for the ride of your work life.

Until next time,

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Dr Karen Morley

EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COACH | I help high achievers beat burnout and find freedom | AUTHOR

5 个月

Some sage advice Gayle Smerdon, PhD. I think the key is that we're all different and we need to find the way that suits us, and avoid comparing ourselves with someone else, who's personality and expertise is quite different from our own. Embrace who you are!

Zoe Routh

Leadership Futurist l Strategist l Multiple Award Winning Author l Podcaster. Showing leaders how to navigate the future.

5 个月

Isn't it amazing we live in a world with so many options and possibilities? To reinvent ourselves and follow our energy is truly a privilege.

Marie-Claire Ross, GAICD

Facilitator | Speaker | Leadership Coach @ Trustologie | Founder

5 个月

Ah! So true. My is definitely the squiggly ball of yarn.


