Career Success
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You have to be good to be lucky and successful in your career.
You must create opportunities in business and life that lead to success.
You must pounce on opportunity and cut losses.
You must surround yourself with positivity and minimize negativity.
Most of all, you must be persistent toward achieving your career goals and attaining career success.
Let's be honest, a large component of success is outworking co-workers and competitors, attaining positions of status, and enriching your way of life.
Fulfillment of a career goal is the barometer of success, not money.
Knowing you put the work in and attained a goal that you set, is an indicator of success in the professional world.
Whether your competition is a person, a business or an industry as a whole, there are some very basic tenets to follow to succeed.
Success is a MINDSET.
Talk to people that are successful.
They have very basic qualities, traits and mindsets.
Success is much deeper than monetary and materialistic gains. Those items come and go.
In my estimation, a truly successful person enriches their lives, and the lives of those they care for, by bringing a simple approach to attaining success and even more importantly, sustaining success.
Tips for success
- Smile, be cordial and embrace your career and the competition. Strive for success in whatever you do.
- Have a fire and a passion for your profession that will propel you to success. This fire must burn 24/7.
- Set goals and exceed goals must be the mantra. Do not run "to" the finish line, run "through" the finish line.
- Listen intently to positive people that can further your career and assist in your success. Be a sponge for knowledge. Successful people are notorious "outside the box thinkers", not monotonous, continuous talkers.
- Speak when advantageous for you and your goals. But most times, listen intently to successful people and learn. Everyday you learn something new that will lead you to success.
- Ignore the competition and negative people. Just smile. The success and your joyous demeanor will break them and your sense of success will be enhanced.
- Remain positive at all times. A large component of success is failure, and the education from those failures you must embrace. I have definitely learned more from my failures than successful ventures. The positive outlook shapes who you are and where you are going.
- Work hard. Nothing beats hard work. Stay up later, work harder, put more effort in and become a machine of knowledge that far surpasses your nearest competitor. Put in the hard work, it pays off in the end and translates into your ultimate accomplishments.
- Don't believe the hype. We all know the "talkers" in life. Let them talk. You will be a "doer". You do things, you do not talk about things. Actions speak louder than words.
- Life is a marathon, not a sprint - NEVER panic. The goal is to be the tortoise not the hare. There are no quick fixes. Stay the course. Set the goal. Success is rarely easy. Methodically work toward goals . Demolish the goal. Move on to next goal, then repeat the process.
Remain humble with all the success you attain.
Give back to society and always be kind.
I consider myself successful in life by my personal and professional advances, but most of all by remaining humble and treating others as I wish to be treated.
Good luck in all of your endeavors.
Mark W. Leonard
ABN Consulting LLC