Career Strategy
 – Understanding the Requirement for Functional Competency

Career Strategy – Understanding the Requirement for Functional Competency

During the executive search/ specialist talent sourcing and coaching work that we do, we often encounter coachees and candidates who actually have a deficient understanding and in some instances a disregard for the functional competencies and the components of functional competency, required to be successful in their career going forward.?

During our career and career transition coaching, we focus on 4 content essentials for functional competency in career development:

  • Functional Experience (in your area of professional involvement.)
  • Functional Know-How (in your area of professional involvement/operations).
  • Functional Skills required for success in the area of professional involvement.
  • Personal Strengths and Attributes.

?Some graduates seemingly enter the world of work with great expectation, but without an understanding of the functional competencies required and the tenure and experience required to make progress – and hence experience disappointment and disillusionment.

This phenomenon can be exacerbated by the fact that it may be that some South African tertiary institutions are producing a plethora of graduates who have little chance of making headway in the AI and 4 IR and 5 IR dominated new world of work.

The phenomenon is however not curtailed to inexperienced graduates; often we encounter more experienced candidates seeking and adopting alternative employment opportunities, without an understanding of their own suite of functional competencies, let alone an understanding of the suite of functional competencies required for their career objectives.

Career strategy, career planning and career development interventions could be productive as an integral component of talent management strategies and activities in any organisation. It is bound to contribute positively to employee experience and as such contribute to retention of staff and reduction of turnover.

?Career counselling and career coaching and career transition coaching is as important as executive coaching in any organisation.

W Brian Wasmuth. ([email protected])

Managing Partner of The Human Capital Group.

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A South African Organisation And Leadership And Management Consulting Company With A Global Reach.(Since 2003)

Executive Search????? Specialist Talent Sourcing?????Executive Coaching?????

? Career Coaching Career Transition & Outplacement??

?? Leadership & Management Development

Talent Management????????????????Organisation Development???

??Change Management & Transformation

Organisation Design??? ?Workforce Planning??????


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