Career Reinvention isn't just for the young: It's not too late to create a career path that you LOVE
Pat Roque, MS
★ Brain Tumor Survivor ★ Professional Speaker ★ Advocate for women leaders to SPEAK UP, articulate their value and claim their seat at the table! ★ Employee Engagement & Leadership Strategist #IamRemarkable facilitator
Career reinvention isn’t just for the young. Some experts predict the average American will have 12 jobs (or more) in their lifetime. So mapping out a future that makes you happy is one of the best investments of time and money you can ever give yourself. Guessing is not really an option.
Have you wasted years (or even decades) working hard, trying to provide more for your family - only to now find yourself out of work or frustrated in a dead-end job?
Does your heart, and stomach, ache every day knowing that God is calling you to do more, to BE MORE? And are you so confused about how to find where you BELONG…and how to get there?
What if you could create that Cinderella moment where a hiring manager yells, "OMG you're EXACTLY who we've been searching for!"?
Do you want to STOP spinning your wheels and figure out what ONE THING you really do best?
Are you ready to unlock opportunities to stop chasing and start attracting who you really deserve to work with (and who will be thrilled to work with you?)
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could get paid well doing what you really love?
Hi, my name is Pat Roque, and those are questions I used to ask myself as well. I know how you feel because when it's time to move on, it's hard to ignore the bell ringing in your head.
Once the genie is out of the bottle, it's hard to stuff her back inside!
Just imagine if you had that ability to pivot in your career path with confidence: what would you do? How would that instantly change your life and business for the better?
Unfortunately, career transformation isn't as easy as sprinkling pixie dust and the perfect gig magically appears.
Even career expert @LizRyan says that we are ALL entrepreneurs in a way, even if you have just one client who pays you a regular salary in your j-o-b. Either way, YOU have to drive the bus. YOU have to chart your best direction. Because if you don’t, someone else WILL.
Have you wasted months (or years) endlessly trudging through Monster, Indeed & Glass Door? Have you sent dozens (or hundreds) of boring, cookie cutter resumes for opportunities that didn’t pan out?
Doing more of the same will NOT change anything!
Truth be told, you probably have great credentials but you story telling needs help. Don’t get bogged down with the minutia of your previous jobs (where you were underutilized and not so happy in the first place). That’s why most people end up selling themselves into situations where they don't fit in and struggle to succeed. You often have to pivot AGAIN when you focus too much on the wrong things (like making money vs working where you find joy and perform at YOUR BEST).
On the flip side, one of my friends has been super successful, kicking ass in our younger days, but now finds that he's outgrown his role. It's no longer the right fit. There's no need for a 40-something or 50-something sales guy to be out till the wee hours, doing Fireball or tequila shots and entertaining youngster clients 5 nights a week as is required in that business. Sometimes, not everything is broken but you just KNOW that it's time to move on.
Talk about "career transformation overload" . . .
If you've ever felt frustrated with career transformation, then I can relate to you perfectly. It's exhausting.
Just like you, I struggled with finding my true calling - until I found the secret. And I created a unique way to empower you, too.
I took the online strengths assessment and was BLOWN away at how spot-on accurately it helped me see my gifts to the world. DATA that compares me to 17 million others brought me indisputable clarity: I got crystal clear on what I was BORN to do best. It’s why I ROCK!
I now see why I was so frustrated trying so hard to fit in roles or teams that were not leveraging my innate strengths and talents. Work/life balance was a joke; It felt like I was selling my soul just to bring home a paycheck. Life was miserable because the harder I tried, the more exhausted and frustrated I felt. It was a constant, uphill battle. I made buckets of money and loved my clients, yet the disgust with our company's value system literally made me sick. My family suffered through my misery, too. Talk about disconnecting from my WHY!!
Finally, I was able to create that Cinderella moment where my clients say, ”OMG you're EXACTLY who I've been searching for!” A new client just call me a godsend. Folks often tell me I’m exactly the help they’ve been praying for. It happens all the time, now that I’m serving from my heart and working in my zone of genius.
I started telling my friends, family members, and business associates about those results; what happened next shocked me.
Some people were BEGGING me to show them how they could gain surprising clarity on their top 5 strengths, how to use them to thrive in their zone of genius and create a career path that honors their sweet spot (while ending the frustration that haunted them for years). Getting clear, and unstuck, opened the door to amazing new revenue streams. The answers around what to do next flow readily now, I'm on a fast trajectory.
Others were really skeptical that it was even possible . . .
Take the Challenge
So I gave them a challenge . . . the SAME challenge that I'm going to give to you right now.
Take my FREE, 3-day “Rock Your Career Clarity and Get Unstuck Challenge.” It’s my gift to you. SIGN UP HERE:
First, you’ll take a quiz to see clearly what areas you ROCK and which cause you grief. And get a feel for how I approach problem solving. Next, you’ll embrace a lifetime of testimonials and organize them so you’ll forever remember why and how you ROCK. Finally, you’ll tap into your connections in a comfort zone challenge to refresh your recommendations and gain their latest perspective on your value to them and how you serve the world best.
Follow my suggestions and I GUARANTEE this will be time well spent. You’ll thank me forever. Again, register by clicking HERE
What’s next
From there, you can run on your own with my best wishes. Or, if you dig my mojo and want to explore working together, I’d love that! Know that I care deeply about YOUR success. Let’s jump on a call and see what feels right:
- Take the Rock Your Strength program for fast results: do the online strength assessment and a 1:1 coaching session.
- Even better, Lock arms as I 1:1 coach you through a 90-day game plan AND master the art of LinkedIn with the Rock Your Strength Bundle.
- Or, for those who’d welcome my coaching along with a personal advisory council, ask me about the Rock On Success Mastermind.
There are plenty of smart options to fit the size of your dreams.
My unique Rock Your Strength approach will give you the data to PROVE some of the best ways you shine in the workplace, and we’ll lock arms for 90 days so you have guidance, accountability and a sounding board to put your career game plan into action.
I guarantee that you'll MORE than gain surprising clarity on your top 5 strengths, how to use them to thrive in YOUR zone of genius. You’ll understand your sweet spots and how to navigate your blind spots. Learn to be a leader and know who are the best kinds of collaborators to complement your talents.
Remember, you are NOT supposed to be perfectly well-rounded & great at everything - but your TEAM should be!
You’ll learn how to get OUT of your own way and STOP APOLOGIZING for what you are NOT.
So go ahead, CLICK HERE to enroll in the free Rock Your Career Clarity and Get Unstuck Challenge NOW. It’s the first major step to create a career path you deserve, getting paid well doing what you love.
And if you're skeptical . . . then don't worry.
Here's what I want to do for you: I'm so sure this will completely change your life that I'm going to let you take the entire challenge for FREE. Then you can pay to Rock Your Strength. Take the online quiz. Enjoy a 1:1 coaching session with me.
Then, at the end of the session, you get to be the judge. Either I live up to my word or I don't.
If I do deliver what I promise and you love the information, you’ll be well on your way to a happier next chapter.
If I don't deliver, or you don't think the information was worth the price, just send me an email before midnight, and we won't charge you anything.
Does that sound fair?
It's kind of like going to a restaurant and only paying if you love the food.
Or going to a movie, and if you hate it . . . then you pay NOTHING . . .
So, now it's your turn to decide.
Say yes, and let us prove that our system works to gain surprising clarity on your top 5 strengths, how to use them to thrive in your zone of genius and create a career path that honors your sweet spot … or you pay nothing!
You will need to CLICK THIS BUTTON to enter the Rock On Success Academy and choose the course that is right for you. Simply put your credit card number in now to reserve your spot, and we’ll send you the online assessment code to get started on your new journey. But you pay NOTHING if you don’t love it.
You've got nothing to lose by giving this a try.
If there's even a chance that this could completely change your life . . .isn't it worth checking it out for ZERO risk?
Just click the button below, and reserve your spot for this life-changing program. I promise it will be worth it.
CLICK HERE -- > Rock Your Career Clarity And Get Unstuck Challenge
CLICK HERE —— > Rock Your Strength
VP, Creative Director
7 年Great article, Pat!