Career "Mulligan"?: Your Second Chance at Finding Work You Love
Career not going as planned? Learn how to take a career "mulligan" so you can finally find work you love.

Career "Mulligan": Your Second Chance at Finding Work You Love

At 3pm on Friday of last week, I decided to declare that I was taking a "mulligan"... on the entire week.

Now, for those of you who don't play golf (me), a mulligan is basically a "do-over".

Sliced a ball into someone's backyard? Take a mulligan.

Failed to hit the ball past the ladies tees? Take a mulligan.

Landed your ball on the top of someone's shoe? Take a mulligan.

As "mulligan" is not necessarily an everyday term, I couldn't help myself in doing a little digging... which, of course, landed me on Wikipedia.

Love it or hate it... Wikipedia is the easy-button for research.

As you may know, the "mulligan" is not a part of the formal rules of golf, but is allowed in what's referred to as "casual play". I'm guessing this means Jordan Spieth doesn't get to take a mulligan if someone sneezes too hard behind him at the Masters (sadly, cancelled for 2020).

While I assumed that the emergence of the mulligan in casual play was 100% due to the significant difference in play between a professional and an amateur, I was summarily corrected by Wikipedia.

It turns out that the purpose of the mulligan in the casual play of golf is as follows (copied verbatim from Wikipedia):

"However, in casual play, mulligans speed play by reducing the time spent searching for a lost ball, and reduce frustration and increase enjoyment of the game, as a player can "shake off" a bad shot more easily with their second chance."

Let's break that down, because Wikipedia just dropped some philosophical bombs on us.

The chance to have a "do-over" a) helps the game go faster, b) makes the game more fun, and c) encourages the player to keep going.

As I am want to do, I started thinking about how this idea of a mulligan could be coopted to make other areas of our lives faster, more fun, and encouraging. Thus, I stumbled on this fabulous idea of a CAREER or PROFESSIONAL mulligan.

Ummm... anyone ELSE ready to call a CAREER or PROFESSIONAL mulligan?!

I have talked to so many people about their professional journeys.

In fact, to date, I've done over 300 clarity calls with people who are looking to make a professional transition and find work they love.

You want to know the #1 issue holding each of these people back and making them feel stuck?

Not being able to LET GO, aka take a mulligan, on their previous professional "failures".

Spent 10 years in a job you hated without change?

Worked for a soul-sucking manager without advocating for yourself?

Applied for 50 jobs without hearing anything back?

You name it, I've heard it on one of these calls.

Every single time one of these clarity callers over-identifies with their past "failures," they create the exact scenario that a golfer experiences when they aren't allowed a mulligan.

They slow down or grind to a screeching, paralyzed halt. They languish in frustration and experience zero professional enjoyment. And worst of all...

They lose their shot at a second chance.

You know what I have to say to this? It's exactly what my business partner said to me on Monday when I kept lamenting and apologizing for my shitty week:

Give yourself a freaking BREAK!

So you've had a crappy career so far? Take a mulligan and move on!

So you've spent 10 years in one industry and realized you don't like it? Take a mulligan and move on!

So you've interviewed with a handful of companies without an offer? Take a mulligan and move on!

If you want your career to start progressing faster and you want want to experience less frustration and more joy in your profession and want to build a "shake-it-off" muscle that will last you a lifetime, my team and I can help.

You know what happened the MINUTE my business partner gave me permission to stop beating myself and get back to work? AMAZINGNESS happened!

I've had 2 of the most productive days since the beginning of the COVID outbreak. I feel more energetic and alive than I have in weeks. Honestly... I feel like a human again rather than a business-owning robot.

Performing at your best requires working in your genius zone. Creating a scenario where you can have a down week and bounce back better requires knowing your professional value. And allowing yourself a mulligan requires a deep sense of professional clarity, confidence, and certainty in yourself and your career.

Do you want that? With our proven career clarity program, you can have it.

Not years from now... or months from now... just 30-days from now.

Want to learn more about how we can help? Grab a spot on my team's calendar here.

During this 50-minute career clarity strategy session, I or a member of my enrollment team will help you get CLEAR on what's holding you back and see if you're a good fit for this proven program.

No pressure and false promises. Just answers and outcomes.

Book your spot before the calendar fills up!

Remember... if you don't take a professional mulligan now... you may just look back at your career and be tempted to yell, FORE! ;)

Be unstoppable,


PS: For a quick look into the RESULTS of this proven program, check out some of our amazing client testimonials here.


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