Starting & sharing my own story of what had been learnt in my professional career front with the great saying that

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things”. — Peter Drucker.

In the past few years of my consultancy professional expertise, I had worked a lot on increasing my productivity in terms of efficiency with more effectiveness.                                   

If try to increase personal productivity there will be a time when one must to decide on the execution of tasks and at that point, there will be a definite never ending battle to survive on the professional front.

My Professional Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

The year 2017 to 2018 was by far my most successful and productive year but there were many times I struggled on deciding which tasks to complete and which to ignore at all.

If I’d have to share one learning out of my past months it would probably be one word:


I had learned and really experienced that keeping a focus on the important stuff is the only thing that actually brings forward & learnt was to “FOCUS”, remembering that there is a beautiful saying:

The main thing is to keep the main thing focused on the main thing.

Of course, one should try new things out and learnt from that by going forward to correct themselves, so that they should not allow the same mistake again and again. I too believe that life is about experiencing and daring to do as many things as possible.

However, when it comes to personal or business growth, the “FOCUS” is the main preliminary key for success.

In the year 2017, I started my own consultancy business, sending mails to the companies about my professional expertise, visiting companies as per their calls and much more. And my consultancy business model is highly open for additions and new experiments; a lack of focus is what happened.

Almost every day a new idea comes up with a new implementations on continual improvements on what I could get started and what I should try out and it seems a new venture type of learning with analyzing for getting an answer for the particular solution.

In most cases, the ideas are awesome and make perfect sense but the problem is that, just as every other human being, my amount of time per day is limited.

For the past years of my consultancy I had found that everybody is good in their style of functioning & due to their ethical way of functioning in their past experience, they don’t want to fit in the “SYSTEM BOUND FOR CHANGE” which will definitely reflect in resulted orientation. Here I am not blaming them instead I had taken it as ignorance on their part; blaming myself for they are not understanding my language, the style of educating/training carried out by me for getting them to accept/go for the “CHANGE” from their ethical way of functioning.

For the past years, I have been working in my jobs of own business full-time of my professional consultancy. So, my professional business was to be run on late evenings and weekends — that’s a lot of time if everybody uses it wisely but not enough to constantly start new things.

At some point, I realized that all the things that I am doing are great but nothing gets finished because new projects constantly popping up.

Bottom Line:

Stay focused on the important things.

Efficiency doesn’t bring one’s life closer to your dreams if you are spending your valuable time on the wrong things because once time spent cannot comes back that everybody knows this too.

The obvious rule of efficiency is you don’t want to spend more time organizing than it’s worth. — Daniel Levitin

What I also realized is that doing an unnecessary job in a great way will never end up in positive results.

Instead, I try to focus on what brings me and my professional consultancy business forward and try to get these things done — because done is better than perfect.

Bringing further more of some great sayings related to this:

“Perfection can often be a roadblock to success”. 

"There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which shouldn’t be done at all" - Peter Drucker.

"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall" — Stephen Covey.

SUNDARAMURTHY VELMURUGAN – velmurugan 299586110

LEATHER PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT from a2z Leather Professional Consultancy, PONDICHERRY.

[email protected] & [email protected] - Whatsapp: +918973231705


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