Career! Carrier!
If I carry myself well, I behave nicely, especially with respect to my speech, body language, facial expressions and grooming, to convey a high opinion about myself. When I carry anything physically, I hold somebody or something in my hand, arms or on my back while moving from one place to another as a custodian! In both cases I am the carrier, whether it’s my own self or somebody/ something else!
If I look at any professional journey, I see a greenhorn carrying through years of trials and tribulations, carrying workload, carrying teammates and bosses along and above all carrying himself admirably! In this process he carries himself up the hierarchical ladder. All these we sum up as the career of the individual concerned! Here too, the individual is the carrier and custodian of himself through his career!
So, when I see the word “carrier” often replacing “career” in common usage, I wonder if this really is an error!