Career Building: Foresight and planning
"Hello sir
Im currently applying to summer 2025 internships in US
And im struck in professional summary"
A message from a student from my alma mater, the College of Engineering, Guindy ( who I have known since her first year; from an overawed fresher to a student-leader on campus. She's graduating this year, and has received admission to a university in the US starting this fall.
Since my return to Chennai in 2018, I have been collaborating with students, faculty, alumni, and the administration of CEG and Anna University, and receive requests all the time. So it's not an atypical event. What's atypical is her foresight and planning. She's preparing for something that's to happen a year from now. Bravo! This is the difference between a good and a great career.
That got me thinking about the beginning of the current academic year. Some students are returning (or soon to return) to campus, others are transitioning from X to +2, or +2 to college. Are they thinking about the next chapter? Or is everything forgotten in the excitement of the moment? "Building a career" is akin to running a marathon. It needs slow, steady, and systematic preparation.
Are we (parents, teachers, and society) doing what's necessary for them? Soon they will be the custodians and architects of our communities, country, and humanity!
At SEHC ( , we are trying to build a support system that will help and guide them in finding their joy.
Sign-up for the mentorship session on Tuesday 7:00pm at Register for an expert talk on Friday July 5, 2024 at Practice and review on Sunday at