Career aspect: Awards & recognition - Restless patience in career journeys series
Building upon the article I published in January 2022 titled Be restlessly patient & take control of your career journey, and based on the feedback and interest I received on the topic, I've initiated a series of follow-on articles to extend details on the different career aspects I've introduced in the first article. The aim is to make the career aspects as clear as possible; providing pointers and examples where applicable, in order to make them actionable, allowing you to plan and track the different activities against them easily going forward.
In this article I'll introduce the Awards & recognition career aspect.
In my first article titled Be restlessly patient & take control of your career journey, I've briefly introduced this career aspect as follows:?
Awards & recognition received over time in our journey. Besides being personally fulfilling to be recognized, it's also an undeniable assertion of your value and impact.
To further clarify the Awards & recognition aspect, it’s about being a recognized and decorated leader in the community. It’s a measure of how influential a leader you are which has been attested by the awards and recognition you received along your career path. You’re considered a role model for others in the areas of recognition, someone who others would seek out and look up to.
Moving next into how to engage in the Awards & recognition career aspect.?
A few additional tips for the Awards & recognition career aspect:
Moving on to why the Awards & recognition career aspect is important and how it links to the other career aspects. Off the bat, awards and recognition assert your Domain of expertise, and adds flare to your profile. Having them also increases your Social eminence and raise your Networking & visibility. They also help you land better Opportunities to excel. Finally, the more IP, IC, publications and Give-back activities you engage in, the higher are your chances in being recognized.
With that, it should be clearer now what the Awards & recognition career aspect is all about, how you can engage in it, and why it's important for your career.
This concludes the ninth article in the Restless patience in career journeys series - more to come as I cover the last career aspect of Give-back, so stay tuned.