Career Advancement Newsletter
If you are tempted …?
???? to compete with your boss …?
????????? Don’t Do It!?
I vividly recall that afternoon when I returned to the Chick-fil-A home office, after a luncheon speaking engagement.? ??
Enthusiastically, I told my boss, Truett Cathy, what a fine reception I had received, thinking he would be pleased by the positive emotional connection I had created for Chick-fil-A among those present at the luncheon.?
He was usually predictable but, his reaction that day was not at all what I had anticipated. He said,?
“You could get a speaking engagement every day. They are easy to get.? All organizations are constantly searching for speakers.”?
Truett was correct. People were constantly calling to ask him to speak.? He was averaging two speaking engagements per week, over a hundred a year.?
He went on,
“Leave the speaking to me and …
?????? You ... ?take care of the business.”
Truett liked to speak, and he was an excellent communicator. By making myself available as a public speaker …?
???? I was competing with my boss.?
That day I discovered another Principle of Creative Followership.??
Do Not Compete With Your Boss!?
I had not followed one of the most important career advancing principles of Creative Followership.??
Do What Your Boss Does Not Like To Do!?
From that day forward I did not accept another business-oriented speaking engagement. ??
I left the speaking to Truett and ...?
????? focused on the business!?
I chose to step back out of the spotlight and into Truett’s shadow.? I realized that my future was brighter in Truett’s shadow.?
In that shadow ... I focused on what ...?
Truett did not like to do and ...?
?????? what he did not do well.?
I freed him to do ...?
????? what he liked to do and ...?
?????????? what he did well.??
By helping him be more productive, I was adding value to the business, and …?
???? that made me …?
???????? more valuable!??
Rather than be a competitor, I chose to be Truett’s supporter.?
???? I left the speaking to Truett …
????????? he left taking care of the business to me.?
The result was amazing!?
A gave Truett my …?
???? Absolute Loyalty!?
He responded with his …?
???? Unwavering Support!?
Would you like a similar response from your boss??
Do Not Compete With Your Boss!?
You will be tempted to draw attention to yourself and impress people outside your organization.?
You will also be tempted to generate some bragging rights with your co-workers.??
Don’t do it!?
It is more important for your career …?
???? to satisfy your boss ...?
????????? than to impress anyone else.??
?Support your boss …?
Do Not Compete With Your Boss!?
---Jimmy Collins, Career Advancement Newsletter?
Like stories? My latest book?Jimmy’s Stories? is available on .? ?
Career advancement principles are in my book,?Creative Followership ? ?also available on .???
#chickfila #truettcathy #careeradvice #followership #leadership
Full-Stack Ghostwriter for GenZ Influencers | Obsessed by Political Commentary
3 个月A simple yet powerful lesson!
Shift Leader @ Chick-fil-A
3 个月I was confused at first, but that actually makes a lot of sense
Building Strategic Partnerships | Delivering Measurable Growth | Business Development Manager
3 个月Very well explained