Care Your Ear,
Your ear is like a Pen!????Your ear is like a pen, writing in mind what you hear.Choosing what you listen to shapes your mindset and actions.Positive and constructive content can help growth, while negative influences can hinder progress. You want a great life, listern to wisdom, pray to God and cut of toxic voices in your life. Choose life giving words and let faithfulness follow.Ideas can quickly turn into actions, so be aware of what you let enter into your mind.What we see, smell, touch, taste will be perceived in our mind and thoughts will be formed. From that thought, our words and our actions will be influenced. What you listen to plants seeds in your mind. With time, those ideas grow and shape your reality. It can either build or destroy you. Be selective for a better life, choose carefully what your senses come into contact with.Guard your ear like a womb because it births your hashtag#future.