Cardarine (gw501516) & SARM LGD-3303 combo - cardarine amazing compound
Cardarine (gw501516) - wow so many amazing benefits - does it really cause cancer?
when you really start digging into the research cardarine is a really unique compound.
it has been shown to have:
- cholesterol benefits (increasing HDL, decreasing LDL)
- increase insulin sensitivity
- endurance
- liver repair
- its even been shown to some hyperplasia benefits
- anti cancer benefits for multiple different type of cancer
yet when we hear about cardarine - the first thing that anyone talks about is that one study showed increase in tumors.
what people dont talk about is how that study was performed.
the average life of these mice used in the study is about 2-3 years. so for this study they gave the mice cardarine for basically their entire life effectively.
what do you think would happen to you if you took a compound for your entire life?
you'd get some type of side effects - common fucking sense.
on top of that - that doses that were administer if
you translated it to what it would be in a human that weighed approx 200lbs:
- 54mg/day
- 439mg/day
in reality most researcher, research with doses around 5-20mg/day.
is it possible that this could cause cancer?
potentially, yet at the same time at more in this world dosing it has actually been shown to have anti cancer benefits on multiple different types of cancer.
when things come out like this - dont trust me or the paper that comes out. go out and do your own research and critical thinking.
was their an agenda behind this? why would such extremely high dosing be used for such a compound?
in this video i find more into the research and many of the benefits and theorize how cardarine is effecting my LGD-3303 research.