Card Sorting: How to apply it in practice.
In this blog I explain card sorting, why this method is important and how you can use it and how to set it up to improve the menu structure of your website/service. After reading this blog, you can organize a session yourself to learn about this technique.
Why card sorting?
When designing a website/service, card sorting can help you determine the information architecture of your website. Sorting cards is a crucial step to create a good user experience. Above all, card sorting prevents you from determining the menu structure of your website from your point of view as a provider.?
You probably have good ideas about the logical structure of your website but you are not the end-user/customer who visits your website. You want a user-oriented website and card sorting gives you the right input to make your potential customer happy.?
By organizing a card sorting session, the following key points will help you plan a successful activity:
Source: Universal Design Methods.
This research method is a powerful and flexible method that can help you understand how people group information, identify how they perceive and describe different information and it helps structure information groups, furthermore it helps with possible ideas for primary or secondary navigation categories. Card sorting is quite easy to facilitate and costs little money and time.
Benefits of Card Sorting.
1. customary to schedule at least 1 hour for each session. If you have many cards you can make more time.
2. Arrange a suitable room.
3. Plan to have a facilitator or another usability team member who takes notes as the participant works and thinks aloud. Another option is recording the session.
4. Arrange some little presents to thank the participants for spending the time and effort helping you.
Lead the session.
It is important to be well prepared and to reassure the participants. After all, you don’t want socially desirable answers. Now you are well prepared, you can take the following step by step to make the card sort session into a success.
1.Show the participant the set of cards. Explain to the participant that you are asking for help in finding what information categories should be on the homepage of the site and what these categories are called.
2. In the process you may ask him to talk out loud. This way you gain insight into his thinking, reasoning and frustrations in a simple way.
3. Let the participant work. Minimize interruptions and encourage the participant to think aloud. Allow the participant to do the following:
4. When the participant is finished, check that the participant has not created too many groups. If there are too many groups, ask to combine some groups with each other.
5. Ask to label (name) each category.
6. The session is now ended. You kindly thank the participant and give him a small present for participating.
Analyze your data.
5. For a less detailed analysis of the results, use your notes and recordings of the participants' names and card numbers under each person's name to find commonalities from different sessions
After you analyze the data from card sorting, you should have useful information for structuring the information architecture of the site. You should use the results of your card sort to help you define the navigation of your site.
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you found it interesting and that you can now put it into practice. If you want more information in the future regarding UX methods related subjects, please follow me on Linkedin. Have a wonderful day!