Carbs become sugar
Tisha Castillo, Human Fuel Expert
?? You’ve Been Lied to About What’s ‘Healthy.’ Let’s Rewrite Your Future Health—Without Meds, Supplements, or BS—No Matter Your Age or Family History. | ?? Human Fuel Expert | Special Needs Mom
Did you know?
That when your blood sugar is at a healthy level, there's only about a teaspoon of glucose, or about 5g-7g, in your bloodstream?
Yep! It's true! So what happens when you eat a bagel, which typically has about 40 grams of carbs, or maybe an apple, with 20 grams of carbs? Well, you've just put five to ten times more sugar into your blood.
Yes even those "healthy whole grain"?carbs or "nature's candy", aka fruit, raise your blood sugar. You eat carbs, the?carbs are converted into glucose?in your blood and because too much glucose in your blood is toxic, your body immediately goes to work, secreting insulin to quickly remove the glucose from your blood.?It is an automatic response to keep you alive.
So every time you eat?carbs?(sugars & starches) your body is flooded with excess glucose, which often happens multiple times per day. Doing this over time leads to either obesity or diabetes. (I explain which comes first?here.)?So while the medical profession may state, just eat less and workout more (to address obesity), or take insulin (to address diabetes), neither of these solutions help address the root cause, which is excessive glucose in the blood, causing excessive insulin to be produced, forcing your cells and organs to first become tolerant and then resistant to the insulin, leaving you with a chronic disease.
If you are eating carbs, especially processed carbs, you are raising your blood sugar. To be sugar-free, you need to stop eating sugar and carbs.?Why??Carbs are converted into glucose?(triggering a fat storage process in your body) causing an increase in your blood sugar, over time leading to insulin resistance and chronic disease. If you want to prevent or reverse chronic disease, you need to optimize your blood sugar. How? Don't eat foods that raise your blood sugar (or drastically reduce how many you eat) and yes, this means removing or significantly reducing the number of carbohydrates (sugars and starches) you eat. (Read more about carbs here.)
So what do you eat instead?if you are currently following the Standard American Diet (SAD) and eating at least 60-80% of your calories in carbs? I'll talk more about this in an upcoming article, but for now … replace your carbs with protein.
Product Alert
I've been asked quite a bit over these couple of weeks, about a particular product seen at Costco.??(It may be?available at other retailers as well, as this isn't a Costco brand, but many of you have seen this product while shopping at Costco.)
Looks good right??After all, it's a Cauliflower Crust and it's certified gluten-free too so it must be a winner!
People, do NOT be fooled by the amazing marketing teams working for the processed food industry. Just because it says it's healthy, gluten-free, made out of cauliflower, or is "keto" or "low carb", does NOT mean that it is something you should eat! Let's take a peek inside and see what this "healthy" food is really made of.
If you don't make time for your health,
you'll be forced to make time for your illness.
?? You’ve Been Lied to About What’s ‘Healthy.’ Let’s Rewrite Your Future Health—Without Meds, Supplements, or BS—No Matter Your Age or Family History. | ?? Human Fuel Expert | Special Needs Mom
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