The Carbon Zero Dystopia | Article(s) review
Aastha Vijay S
Enterprise Tech Sales @ Microsoft | ex- TCS | XIMB BM’23 | Content creator & Product Advocate
Carbon footprints are a perfect subject for this report because they are now such popular news subjects. The phrase "carbon footprint" has been imprinted in many people's mind as worries about global warming and impending climate change have continued to grow. While the huge Fortune 500 corporations concentrate on lowering their own carbon footprints, individuals may also contribute in their own modest manner.
But what do we mean by a carbon footprint? Simply put, the amount of greenhouse gases created as a result of supporting human activities is what is meant by "carbon footprints". Carbon Footprints are generally expressed in equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide. Driving a car, heating one's home, even purchasing foods and products can increase one's carbon footprint. Now seemingly every possible activity that one may perform would leave some form of a carbon footprint. That is quite a problem it seems but the problem is that a huge number of people might harm the ecology and possibly contribute to climate change and global warming by leaving behind significant carbon footprints. As we can rightly correlate with the Pareto Analysis used in Quality Management “80% of the problems are caused by the 20% causes”, it is the activities that produce a very significant number of footprints that count and not everything we do.
Now the question arises “Why did I choose this topic and What harm does this carbon footprint actually do?” Coming to that the effects that can be attributed to our carbon footprint are immense and have drastic consequences. But another thing that is to be noted is that the carbon footprint leading to global warming which in turn is causing a rapid degradation of our ecosystem is not due to the carbon or soot that is rising out of our vehicles. It is due to a colourless gas CO2 that is paradoxically essential for photosynthesis of plants and in turn essential for all life on earth. So why do we lobby around alternative fuels, why the demand to shift from coal energy, reducing the use of hydrocarbon fuels? The banning of nuclear energy as a source of power and focusing on renewable like wind, solar, water to make Germany the first carbon neutral country was an economic disaster. The article has given me a very different perspective to viewing the world as we see today. The way we think about Global Warming, carbon neutrality now is far from reality as per this article and this is what intrigued me to analyse this different point of view, away from the trodden path. Hence, I will be exploring this topic and analysing this different aspect to this supposedly well- known topic.
The “Climate Gods” are worshipped every time a cyclone uproots a green patch or even when there are no signs of rains and eventually the weather department in joint agreement with media blames it on the current hot topic – “Climate Change.” A topic that has firms across the globe on a leash regarding their carbon footprint. The Global Warming lobby has virtually monopolised the mainstream media and social media, leading a large portion of the world to believe that the best course of action for humanity is to eliminate hydrocarbons by the year 2050, including petroleum, natural gas, coal, and even "carbon free" nuclear electricity, in the hopes that we can prevent a rise in average global temperature of 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius.
What is interesting to note is, the claims regarding carbon emissions about to tip our world into irreversible ecological catastrophe is still unproven. The fact that CO2 cannot be released into the atmosphere through coal plants, automobile exhaust, or other human-made sources is something that is practically never mentioned. Neither carbon nor soot exist in carbon dioxide. All life on earth, including ourselves, depends on this tasteless, invisible gas for photosynthesis. Air (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) has a molecular weight of only 29, but CO2 has a molecular weight of slightly over 44. CO2 has a specific gravity that is around 1.5 times that of air. That would imply that the predicted greenhouse effect is not created by CO2 exhaust fumes rising into the sky at a height of around 12 miles from Earth.
Well, all this adds up to a fact that all of this is a cover for something deeper and an ulterior motive.
With everyone in a race to become carbon zero by 2030 we can trace this term to back in 1968 when David Rockefeller [1] and his friends organized a project with a ‘zero growth’ agenda. They believed that increase in human consumption & population are a huge problem. His friend Maurice Strong [2] was instrumental in propagation of the scientifically debunked hypothesis that human-made emissions from transportation, agriculture, and coal plants are to blame for the sharp and increasing rise in global temperatures that threatens civilisation aka Global Warming. As the chairman of 1972 Earth Day, He also coined the term “Sustainable development” which today entails a total of 17 goals stated on the United Nation’s website. In a fight against humanity itself, they came up with an agenda that is today called as the Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030.
The main motive of Strong’s agenda was depopulation and deindustrialisation thus leading to decline of the advanced economies whom we dearly call the PEBMEs. Tracing it back to the timelines we see there is a strange decline of PEBMEs starting in 1970s. I hope we see that there is a strange correlation. This was an attempt to intentionally disrupt the narrative from traditional economic development model (chassis design) and dismantle the industrialized world. An attempt to move from capitalist and open economy to an economy that focusses to reduce the gap between the rich and poor. This seems like the Orchestrating Apex team trying to make amends!
One of the recent activities contributing to the same is Barbara [3] strongly advocating for Personal Carbon Wallet! This seems like a fun thing at the face of it but diving in deeper into what it further entails to having one seems alarming! The project is currently running pilot in Netherlands. It talks of assigning certain carbon emission rights to every citizen irrespective of their financial status which will be stored in a carbon wallet. If an individual wishes to fly, a carbon emission calculator would compute the emissions related to that travel trip and equal number of emission points would be deducted from his/her wallet. On the contrary if you cannot afford a trip, you can sell your unused points to someone who can! Drawing parallels to the supply demand curve where the poor is at a disadvantage when the demand goes high and prices increase. A situation where only someone with an intentional buying power can purchase the goods and the economic divide increases. Although the carbon wallet puts you in a fix and controls your expenditures, the ones with disposable income can purchase emission rights from the ones who do not thus equipping them with buying power in turn to purchase goods and emission rights in the future. This is a cyclical and sustainable process which enables the reduction of the divide between the rich and poor!
To conclude I wish to draw your attention to the fact that Climate change is not as alarming as it looks like at the face of it but rather an attempt by the orchestrating apex team and the invisible hand to some extent to regulate & reduce the ongoing economic disparity. This also is one of the many ways to change the chassis design of PEBMEs (Private Enterprise based Market economy) to stop them from charging any further thus pushing them towards a slow crash!
[1] David Rockefeller was an American investment banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation
[2] Maurice Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations and Secretary General of the June 1972 Stockholm Earth Day conference. He was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
[3] Barbara Baarsma is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank
Articles Reviewed:
- The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset", Global Research, August 31, 2022
- Have you any idea hwo your carbon footprint and your carbon walleta are really going to work in this Dystopian world the WEF have planned?, Global Research, August 16, 2022