Carbon (tax) enthusiasm, Nigerian Government Suspends The Expatriate Employment Levy, and More on 2024 South African Earnings threshold

Carbon (tax) enthusiasm, Nigerian Government Suspends The Expatriate Employment Levy, and More on 2024 South African Earnings threshold

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Carbon (tax) enthusiasm

More and more countries are implementing carbon taxes, with nearly 30 countries worldwide having done so. Ghana is the latest addition.

The aim with such a tax is to discourage the use of fossil fuels and limit the emission of carbon dioxide, the most prevalent greenhouse gas. Companies can be charged with paying a tax on the emission of carbon dioxide and/or be taxed on goods or services that are generally greenhouse gas-intensive, such as fuel.

Last month, Ghana's Emissions Levy Act became operational. Under this Act, a monthly levy of GHS100 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions will be levied in the construction, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, and electricity and heating sectors. The tax on vehicles with internal combustion engines is between GHS75 and GHS300 annually depending on the size of the engine.

Some other African countries that have or are planning a carbon tax are:

  • South Africa:?the carbon tax increased to R190 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions this year. From 3 April 2024, there will be a carbon fuel levy of 11 cents per litre on petrol and 14 cents per litre on diesel.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo:?in 2023, the country instituted a tax on carbon dioxide emissions and equivalent gases. The rates and threshold to pay this tax are to be determined by ministerial decree.
  • Nigeria:?the National Council on Climate Change has said it plans to introduce ?a carbon tax policy that will include a carbon dioxide emissions tax and a tax on goods or services that are generally greenhouse gas-intensive.?

Afriwise launches new features for real-time legal and regulatory updates across Africa.

Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that we deliver a tool that continues to revolutionise the way legal intelligence is accessed and utilized across Africa.

We are very excited to announce two new features that will help you stay ahead with tailored, clickable insights:

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Stay tuned for updates on these exciting product developments where we will give detailed breakdowns, exclusive webinars and tutorials so you can get the most out of this new functionality.



